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animationGroup weight and blending are not working for certain gltf file


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First, animationGroup.setWeightForAllAnimatables works for the UFO file https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#17, but not https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#18. Is it because of the skeleton animation? 

         * Start all animations on given targets
         * @param loop defines if animations must loop
         * @param speedRatio defines the ratio to apply to animation speed (1 by default)
         * @param from defines the from key (optional)
         * @param to defines the to key (optional)
         * @returns the current animation group
        public start(loop = false, speedRatio = 1, from?: number, to?: number): AnimationGroup {
            if (this._isStarted || this._targetedAnimations.length === 0) {
                return this;

            for (const targetedAnimation of this._targetedAnimations) {
                this._animatables.push(this._scene.beginDirectAnimation(targetedAnimation.target, [targetedAnimation.animation], from !== undefined ? from : this._from, to !== undefined ? to : this._to, loop, speedRatio, () => {

            this._speedRatio = speedRatio;

            this._isStarted = true;

            return this;

In AnimationGroup, beginDirectAnimation was used. Will beginWeightedAnimation make weight and blending working?

Second (I guess is't a different issue), 

    scene.animationPropertiesOverride = new BABYLON.AnimationPropertiesOverride();
    scene.animationPropertiesOverride.enableBlending = true;
    scene.animationPropertiesOverride.blendingSpeed = 0.02;

That works with https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#BCU1XR, but not with scene.animationGroups._targetedAnimations.animation.enableBlending (in both https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#17 and https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#18). The value of enableBlending is always undefined. 

BTW, Weight -1 means stop while 0 also means stop too. That's confusing. 

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Ok that's a lot of questions:

setWeightForAllAnimatables: what do you want to achieve here? Did you read this: http://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/animations#animation-weights. If you set everyone to 0 then there is no animation as they all will be multiplied by 0

scene.animationGroups._targetedAnimations: you should not use a _function as they are internal to the engine. What do you want to achieve here?

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57 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

setWeightForAllAnimatables: what do you want to achieve here?

As I understand, if two 2 animationGroups with weight say 0.5 are playing together, they can blend like https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#BCU1XR. In the playground, weight of different animationGroup can be controlled by the sliders, and the blending in UFO case seems working but not in the ybot case. 

I updated the demo here https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#31, and let it start with default weight. You can only the third animation run although all three animationGroups are playing. If you use the slider set weight between 0 and 1, the animation will just stop playing. 

Forget about what I said "-1 and 0 are confusing". It's off topic. 

57 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

scene.animationGroups._targetedAnimations: you should not use a _function as they are internal to the engine. What do you want to achieve here?

In animationGroups.start 

public play(loop?: boolean)

            for (const targetedAnimation of this._targetedAnimations) {
                this._animatables.push(this._scene.beginDirectAnimation(targetedAnimation.target, [targetedAnimation.animation], from !== undefined ? from : this._from, to !== undefined ? to : this._to, loop, speedRatio, () => {

I found that animations pushed in _animatables didn't have value on enableBlending. So I just wonder is it the cause of the blend problem. 

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It's generated from ybot.fbx (I guess the same as dummy3.babylon) with https://github.com/Kupoman/blendergltf following https://www.donmccurdy.com/2017/11/06/creating-animated-gltf-characters-with-mixamo-and-blender/. The animation blending is working with three.js (you can try to open it with https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/). 

I guess that 400 animations are targeting different bones. How many animations are there normally in a group?  

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The animation works for Babylon.js as well but I don't think there is 400 bones in this scene. This looks suspicious 


Furthermore when the code for blending works with dummy3 and not your exported files. Can you try to use your mesh in this demo: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#10

Just to make sure we are good even with 400 animations. Blending is enabled by default in this demo so it will help to understand

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Ok so it is working which means that even if the mesh is not optimal it does not have errors :)

Also this demo demonstrates that blending between animations works 


Now let's go back to animation weights: I finally understood why it was not working :). You must export for model with bones animation and not direct TRS animation for every single mesh (Does it make sense?)



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If it's model's problem, why weights are working in three.js https://jsfiddle.net/shenzhuxi/hvvz9bc8/

I just checked out the latest Babylon.js code, and now seems it's working ... some kind ... in a hilarious way https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#18

In the model https://gist.github.com/shenzhuxi/cf7ad7ce73ca6228a99a0a64a7eb6ab8/raw/d919fd82a5768a236b55fb0011603ca7b46ded5d/ybot.gltf, the animations of Alpha_Surface are working, but the animations of Alpha_Joints (the balls) are not. 

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Unfortunately this is almost impossible to debug as there are too much animations and furthermore you are doing skining without bones.

I highly recommend to first fix the model and export it with skeleton animations (if you re using Blender perhaps using the babylon exporter should be a better option)

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OK I'm back with good news!

I found a bug in my quaternion computation so now this works:


This one as well: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#PSR2ZX#34

Please note that you should not try to get more than two quaternions blended because there is no simple math way to compute a correct result. This means you should not have more than two group running together and you should try to keep the weight sum == 1


I'm sorry about the inconvenience and I want to apologize because I realized really lately that you had 2 bones plus an animated mesh hierarchy.

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