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Update the height map dynamically (like a dynamic texture)


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I implement 3D map/ground video (dynamically loaded height map and texture image data via websocket).

For dynamic texture I can use  BABYLON.DynamicTexture(...)
and update it every video frame:
context = ground.material.diffuseTexture.getContext()

Is there a way to update the height map dynamically like the dynamic texture ?
What I should use instead of BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGroundFromHeightMap ?


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Hiya vladimr!   I might have some help...  https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1VGWP9#11

In this playground, I 'borrowed' (hijacked) applyDisplacementMap() and applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer()... from BJS main source.  I think I modified them, too.

Anyway, in lines 17-19... I make a standard ground mesh... sub-divided quite heavily.

Now let's look at line 96.  Pretty much a basic applyDisplacementMap() call... for ground... using a URL.

Let's follow it up... to line 22.  We really don't care about that function... EXCEPT... at line 51.  Line 51... a call to applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer().

Hey... if YOU have a buffer of image colors... YOU could 'intervene' here, and apply ANY buffer, right?  (hint)

You can also look in this file... raw BJS source... https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/master/dist/babylon.max.js

Control-f doc-search for applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer... look things over, as wanted.  :)  That's where I hijack code-from.

Mesh.prototype.applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer = function (buffer, heightMapWidth, heightMapHeight, minHeight, maxHeight, uvOffset, uvScale)

So... ground.applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer(myBuffer, 100, 100, 5, 0);   Pretty easy.

You don't even need to have hijacked versions of applyDisplacementMap() and applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer() functions in your code.  You just need a good buffered image, and then you can remove lines 21-97 from my playground.  Just create a nice image buffer, somehow, and then do... ground.applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer(myBuffer, 100, 100, 5, 0);  (I think)

This should help get you rolling. (I hope.)   Good luck.  Got questions?  Ask.  We're here to help.  (and we all learn from watching your experiments).  :)

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