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[SOLVED] Physical materials - which to use?


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I am new to Babylon and I am confused.

I see three physical material types: roughness/metalness, another one, and a much more complete physical material.

Which one should I use?

Also I see that when I export with gltf from 3ds Max using the Exporter plugin, internally the gltf most of the times has the roughness/metalness material.

If it is a metal should I always be using the roughness/metalness? I am confused.

Please kindly explain when to use which and which one, and what is the best recommended workflow. 

I am using physical material on 3ds max, but should i export as Babylon or gltf? Then which type of physical  material shall I use?


Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for the reply! That document was useful.

For anyone else that is new, and is reading this, this is my summary (and please correct me if I am wrong):

  • MetallicRoughness and SpecularGlossiness: are materials for "beginners" to get started into PBR and making simple tests before learning the more complex PBRMaterial.
  • PBRMaterial: is the material to use for production usage, as it combines all the properties of both the MetallicRoughness and SpecularGlosiness, plus adds new properties. This the only material you should be using for production.

So basically, we will be using only PBRMaterial for production.


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