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How to display mesh vertex colors as 100% emissive?


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I have a dynamically generated "celestial star sphere" mesh of independent triangles each mapped with an opacity texture representing the star. The underlying vertex colors of each triangle (representing the color of real stars) shine through but currently the entire mesh is affected by lighting and I can't set the emissive color on the material otherwise it'll wash out the vertex colors. I want the vertex colors to always contribute 100% of the triangle color, but masked by the opacity texture and unaffected by lighting.

Is this possible somehow?

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Hiya inteja, good to see you again.

Not sure if helpful, but you can set vertexColors to ANY "magnitude" (within reason).

Would power-amplifying (up-scaling) the vertex colors... help you?


Lines 69-79, where 'p' = power.  Unnatural saturation.  (I spit a little when I typed that)  :)

I'm not responsible if your computer monitor melts from photon overload.  heh.

Stay tuned... smarter people than I... are nearby.

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Thanks @Wingnut I didn't know you could do that - I thought colors would be internally clamped in the range 0.0-1.0.

It helps a bit but still affected by lighting which means the star colors aren't accurate to the star data (vertex color), which is ideally what I'm after.

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*nod*.  Yeah, you could use a vertexColor-to-Texture "ratio" adjuster... or something.

Have you tried strange things like using the same emissiveTexture or diffuseTexture... in the opacityTexture channel?  That seems good and demented.  :)

Don't do a mat.emissiveTexture = mat.opacityTexture.  Actually make a new Babylon.Texture for the opacityTexture, but use the same URL.  That way, both textures their own .level property, and other things.  (just guessing at ideas, here).  You want the stars to be complete self-illuminated, eh?  No lights affecting them.  (be sure to notice light.excludedMesh array, as needed.)

But yeah... you almost need more control over how vertexColors are summed-into the final result.  Weird challenge.

Issue still open, everyone.  Help welcome!  :)

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Hi @Wingnut I'm not able to use textures for color, in any channel because each star color is unique but it's all one mesh of ~5000 triangles for the naked-eye visible stars. So I figure my only option is vertex colors - I just can't seem to light them 100%.

Hmmm, maybe I could try the new glow layer ... will investigate that also.

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Ahh, ok... so vertexColors only.  You've tried scene.ambientColor of gray, and then star.material.ambientColor = something?

mat colors... mixed with vertexColors.  Do they mix?  I should go do some tests. :)  I need to eat, though. 

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