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Tile different Images


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I am new to Phaser and building my first game with Phaser CE.

I am trying to build rows and column of images that will dragged and drop. I am having hard time understanding various ways to build tiles and can't find any resources of exactly what I am doing.

So I build squares in row but don't know how can I lay it in multiple rows like tiling and then how to put the images inside the thumbnailBg.Can someone please advice.

var thumbnails; var thumbnailBg;
var thumbnailsHolder = this.game.add.group();
thumbnailsHolder.x = 400; thumbnailsHolder.y = 100
for(var i=0; i<imageName.length; i++){
this.createThumb(thumbnailBg, i);
// thumbnailBg.x = 100*i;
if(imageName[i].indexOf('_mask') < 0 && imageName[i] !== 'bw_1'){
thumbnails = this.add.sprite(100*i, 0, imageName[i], null, thumbnailsHolder);
 function createThumb (thumbnailBg, i){
thumbnailBg = this.game.add.graphics(100*i, 0);
thumbnailBg.lineStyle(2, 0x276998, 0.6);
thumbnailBg.drawRoundedRect(330, 50, 100, 100, 10); // draw a rounded rect mask
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