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Platform Nudging?


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Yo guys, weird issues again! 


I started working on the Player and Level logic while I wait on the fix for the Timer class. everything is working as expected so far except for one small glitch: when the Player sprite strikes the left side of one of my scrolling Platforms, the platform nudges slightly to the right before continuing on to the left side. (Essentially I am programming an infinite runner, Canabalt-style game.)


I can only guess it is because I am setting both player-run-speed and platform-scroll-speed using their body.velocity.x properties. 


Here first is my Level class...


/* LEVEL.JS/**********//* Contains Level class. Responsible/* for loading level platforms and /* related level items./**********/ Level = function(game) {this.game = game;this.platforms = null;}; Level.prototype = {preload: function() {// Load the background image.this.game.load.image('sky', 'assets/sky.png'); // Load the platform image.this.game.load.image('ground', 'assets/ground.png');},create: function() {// Place background first(lowermost layer).this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'sky'); // Initialize this.platforms group to push/pop platforms.this.platforms = this.game.add.group(); // Place the initial platform ground. this.platforms.create(64, this.game.world.height - 96, 'ground'); // Place the second platform.this.platforms.create(this.game.world.width + 64, this.game.world.height - (Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) * 32 + 32),'ground');},update: function() {if (this.platforms.getAt(0).x <= -736) {this.platforms.getAt(0).destroy(); this.platforms.create(this.game.world.width + 64,  this.game.world.height - (Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) * 32 + 32), 'ground');} this.platforms.setAll('body.velocity.x', SPEED);this.platforms.setAll('body.immovable', true);}};
And here is my Player class...

/* PLAYER.JS/**********//* Contains Player class. Responsible/* for creating the player, applying/* proper physics, and binding all of/* the controls. /**********/ Player = function(game) {this.game = game;this.sprite = null;}; Player.prototype = {preload: function() {// Load up a spritesheet for The Dude.this.game.load.spritesheet('dude', 'assets/dude.png', 32, 48);},create: function() {// Add The Dude to the game. this.sprite = this.game.add.sprite(128, this.game.world.height - 160, 'dude'); // Apply some phsyics to the dude.this.sprite.body.gravity.y = 400; // Animate the running of The Dude. this.sprite.animations.add('run', [5, 6, 7, 8], 10, true);this.sprite.animations.play('run');},update: function() {this.game.physics.collide(this.sprite, level.platforms); if (this.sprite.body.touching.down) {this.sprite.body.velocity.x = -SPEED;} console.log(this.sprite.body.touching.down);}};
Thanks for the helps!
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Why are your platforms set to immovable false in the update function? 


Where? I don't see where they are set to false anywhere. 


Also in what sequence / order are you colliding them? 

I'm not sure I understand. The collisions are tested in the Player.update() function. The Level(and subsequently level.platforms) is rendered first, followed by the player. I tried swapping the order their create/update functions were called but it didn't make any difference. 
EDIT: I have fixed this issue but have new problems, found in this new topic!
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