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Adding tween targets to existing tween


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Hi All

I'm writing a basic platformer which has prizes that I'd like to be undulating in scale.  The prizes are generated dynamically as the game progresses.  I am using the following tween for this, newly assigning the tween to each new prize as it is created:

   targets: [scObjCreated],
   scaleX: '-=.2',
   scaleY: '-=.2',
   duration: 700,
   ease: 'Sine.easeInOut',
   repeat: -1,
   yoyo: true

However, this seems inefficient as I know that you can have one tween with multiple targets, so having loads of tweens that all do the same thing seems like poor practice.

I tried assigning the tween to a variable as follows:

this.MyTween = this.tweens.add({
   targets: [scObjCreated],
   scaleX: '-=.2',
   scaleY: '-=.2',
   duration: 700,
   ease: 'Sine.easeInOut',
   repeat: -1,
   yoyo: true

...and then pushing the newly created prize objects to the "targets" array as follows:


However, this doesn't seem to do anything.

Is there a way to do this please?

Thank you!

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Thanks both.  @samme that's a nice example.  Is there a way to actually add tween targets on the fly though?  So create the tween and then add tween targets to that tween as the game progresses?

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Thanks.  This is more the kind of thing I was after, much appreciated. 

However, it seems be replacing the current target with the new one and then restarting rather than adding new targets to the existing tween.

I assume that you can't just push to the targets array without restarting?

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Oh, I think I see now.

If you're tweening in the same range (start–end) for all targets, you can just tween one dummy object and copy its values to the rest.

But personally I would just use multiple tweens. They're meant to be disposable. 

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