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Reference dynamic sprite


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When the user clicks on the screen, it spawns in a sprite. I'm trying to reference these sprites later, how can I do that? For example:

Sprite1.name = "Example";


Sprite2.name = "Example";



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if Sprite1 is reference to dynamicaly created sprite, then you can pass it to whatever place you like.

your explanation of problem is weak, so is answer, please tell us what goal you want to achieve, not what you've tried to code.

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Sorry, last time I coded is when I was working with AS2, and I'm picking this up slowly.

			var sprite = this.add.sprite(pointer.x + cam.scrollX, pointer.y + cam.scrollY, 'small_fence').setInteractive();
			sprite.iName = fenceCount;
			sprite.on('pointerdown', function ()

I spawn sprites in and make them interactive. What I'm trying to do is, I want to reference these sprites later. How can I reference a specific sprite? For example in AS2, I used to be able to give them an instance name like "Sprite1." I would then be able to reference it later like:


Is there a way to do this with Phaser, so I can manipulate the sprite when I can't use



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you still did not told us what this reference will be used for, so general answer is:

create some global container:

game._globals = new Map();

then add sprite to it:

game._globals.set('Sprite1', sprite);

and use it later:


and remove;


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