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onPointerDown distinguish from moving camera


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How to I discriminate between a click on the canvas and just a click & drag to move my camera?

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt, pickingInfo) {                                                                 
	var pickResult = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);                                               

The above logs to the console when I left click to move my camera which I would like to avoid.

Thank you.

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scene.onPointerPick = function(evt, pickingInfo) {                                                                 
	var pickResult = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);                                               

...works a little better, but you need to click and drag very carefully.

Is there a better option?

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Hiya Babbleon!  I have no solutions.  I'm not even sure I understand the issue... but... I did some experiments.


In this PG, you won't know if the pointerDown is a canvas-click, or a camera-drag... until pointerUp.

When pointerUp happens, I subtract the pointer locations at pointerDOWN... from the locations at pointerUP.

If they are greater-than a certain "threshold" value... I can assume that the camera was dragged.  If not, we assume a canvas click only.

I don't know if I am on-topic... but this method, and similar... allows you to adjust the sensitivity of canvas-clicks vs. camera-drags.

I hope this helps, or leads to something that does.  I also have some DOM click code in there... that I was testing.  *shrug*

Just goofing around... likely aimlessly.  :)

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