BlackMojito Posted January 31, 2018 Share Posted January 31, 2018 Hi Guys, I updated from 3.2.0-alpha4 to alpha6 and this function seems not to work anymore. Just want to confirm if it is the case though... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameMonetize Posted January 31, 2018 Share Posted January 31, 2018 Yeah..we had to introduce breaking change by removing RenderPass in the Pipeline. But this should not break this function Would you mind to share your use case and code to see how we can fix it? Pinging @trevordev Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trevordev Posted January 31, 2018 Share Posted January 31, 2018 I am unable to repro using v3.2.0-alpha7 (see ). If you are still able to repro it let me know how you are using it and I can take another look. Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMojito Posted February 1, 2018 Author Share Posted February 1, 2018 import * as BABYLON from 'babylonjs' import { RenderOptions, SceneOptions } from '../../Preferences' import { RenderScene } from '../../Scene/RenderScene' import * as Capabilities from '../Device/Capabilities' import * as ssao_frag from '../Shaders/glsl/custom_ssao_frag.glsl' import * as gamma_correction_frag from '../Shaders/glsl/gamma_correction_frag.glsl' import * as final_merge_frag from '../Shaders/glsl/final_merge_frag.glsl'; import * as WebUtils from '../../../Utils/WebUtils' export class BasicPostProcessRenderPipeline extends BABYLON.PostProcessRenderPipeline { private _renderScene: RenderScene; private _selectionGroupRenderTarget: BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture; private _overlayGroupRenderTarget: BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture; // SSAO readonly SSAOOriginalSceneColorEffect: string = 'SSAOOriginalSceneColorEffect'; readonly SSAORenderEffect: string = 'SSAORenderEffect'; readonly SSAOBlurHRenderEffect: string = 'SSAOBlurHRenderEffect'; readonly SSAOBlurVRenderEffect: string = 'SSAOBlurVRenderEffect'; readonly SSAOCombineRenderEffect: string = 'SSAOCombineRenderEffect'; private _originalColorPostProcess: BABYLON.PassPostProcess; private _ssaoPostProcess: BABYLON.PostProcess; private _blurHPostProcess: BABYLON.BlurPostProcess; private _blurVPostProcess: BABYLON.BlurPostProcess; private _ssaoCombinePostProcess: BABYLON.PostProcess; private _firstUpdate: boolean = true; private _ssaoFallOff: number; private _ssaoArea: number; private _ssaoRadius: number; private _ssaoTotalStrength: number; private _ssaoBase: number; private _depthTexture: BABYLON.Texture; private _normalTexture: BABYLON.Texture | null = null; private _randomTexture: BABYLON.DynamicTexture; // FXAA readonly FxaaPostProcessId: string = 'FxaaPostProcessEffect'; private _fxaaEnabled: boolean = true; private _fxaa: BABYLON.FxaaPostProcess; // Tone Mapping readonly ToneMappingPostProcessId: string = 'ToneMappingPostProcessEffect'; private _toneMappingEnabled: boolean = true; private _toneMapping: BABYLON.TonemapPostProcess; // Final Merge readonly FinalMergePostProcessId: string = 'FinalMergePostProcessEffect'; private _finalMerge: BABYLON.PostProcess; // Gamma Correction readonly GammaCorrectionPostProcessId: string = 'GammaCorrectionPostProcessEffect'; private _gammaCorrection: BABYLON.PostProcess; private _defaultPipelineTextureType: number; private _hdr: boolean = false; /** * @constructor * @param {string} name - The rendering pipeline name * @param {BABYLON.Scene} scene - The scene linked to this pipeline * @param {any} ratio - The size of the postprocesses. Can be a number shared between passes or an object for more precision: { ssaoRatio: 0.5, blurRatio: 1.0 } * @param {BABYLON.Camera[]} cameras - The array of cameras that the rendering pipeline will be attached to */ constructor(name: string, renderScene: RenderScene, ratio: any, cameras?: BABYLON.Camera[], hdr?: boolean) { super(renderScene.scene.getEngine(), name); this._renderScene = renderScene; var caps = this.internalScene.getEngine().getCaps(); if (hdr) { this._hdr = hdr && (caps.textureHalfFloatRender || caps.textureFloatRender); } if (this._hdr) { if (caps.textureHalfFloatRender) { this._defaultPipelineTextureType = BABYLON.Engine.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT; } else if (caps.textureFloatRender) { this._defaultPipelineTextureType = BABYLON.Engine.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT; } } else { this._defaultPipelineTextureType = BABYLON.Engine.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT; } this._ssaoFallOff = RenderOptions.ssaoFallOff; this._ssaoArea = RenderOptions.ssaoArea; this._ssaoRadius = RenderOptions.ssaoRadius; this._ssaoTotalStrength = RenderOptions.ssaoTotalStrength; this._ssaoBase = RenderOptions.ssaoBase; var ssaoRatio = ratio.ssaoRatio || ratio; var combineRatio = ratio.combineRatio || ratio; // Set up assets this._createRandomTexture(); if (Capabilities.isMRTSupported()) { let geometryBufferRenderer = <BABYLON.GeometryBufferRenderer>renderScene.scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer(); this._depthTexture = geometryBufferRenderer.getGBuffer().textures[0]; this._normalTexture = geometryBufferRenderer.getGBuffer().textures[1]; } else { let depthRenderer = this.internalScene.enableDepthRenderer(); this._depthTexture = depthRenderer.getDepthMap(); } this._createColorBufferPostProcess(); this._createSSAOPostProcess(ssaoRatio); this._createBlurPostProcess(ssaoRatio); this._createSSAOCombinePostProcess(combineRatio); this._createFinalMergePostProcess(); this._createFXAAPostProcess(); this._createToneMappingPostProcess(); this._createGammaCorrectionPostProcess(); // Set up pipeline this._setupPipeline(); // Finish this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.addPipeline(this); if (cameras) { this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.attachCamerasToRenderPipeline(name, cameras); } this._createSelectionRenderTarget(); this._createOverlayRenderTarget(); } private get internalScene(): BABYLON.Scene { return this._renderScene.scene; } get fxaaEnabled(): boolean { return this._fxaaEnabled; } set fxaaEnabled(enabled: boolean) { if (this._fxaaEnabled === enabled) { return; } this._fxaaEnabled = enabled; this._setupPipeline(); } get ssaoFallOff(): number { return this._ssaoFallOff; } set ssaoFallOff(value: number) { this._ssaoFallOff = value; } get ssaoArea(): number { return this._ssaoArea; } set ssaoArea(value: number) { this._ssaoArea = value; } get ssaoRadius(): number { return this._ssaoRadius; } set ssaoRadius(value: number) { this._ssaoRadius = value; } get ssaoTotalStrength(): number { return this._ssaoTotalStrength; } set ssaoTotalStrength(value: number) { this._ssaoTotalStrength = value; } get ssaoBase(): number { return this._ssaoBase; } set ssaoBase(value: number) { this._ssaoBase = value; } enableSSAO(enabled: boolean): void { if (enabled) { this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.enableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAORenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.enableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAOBlurHRenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.enableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAOBlurVRenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.enableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAOCombineRenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); } else { this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAORenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAOBlurHRenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAOBlurVRenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.SSAOCombineRenderEffect, this.internalScene.activeCamera); } } enableToneMapping(enabled: boolean): void { if (enabled) { this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.enableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.ToneMappingPostProcessId, this.internalScene.activeCamera); } else { this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.ToneMappingPostProcessId, this.internalScene.activeCamera); } } enableGammaCorrection(enabled: boolean): void { if (enabled) { this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.enableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.GammaCorrectionPostProcessId, this.internalScene.activeCamera); } else { this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline(this._name, this.GammaCorrectionPostProcessId, this.internalScene.activeCamera); } } private _setupPipeline(): void { this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.SSAOOriginalSceneColorEffect, () => { return this._originalColorPostProcess; }, true)); this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.SSAORenderEffect, () => { return this._ssaoPostProcess; }, true)); this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.SSAOBlurHRenderEffect, () => { return this._blurHPostProcess; }, true)); this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.SSAOBlurVRenderEffect, () => { return this._blurVPostProcess; }, true)); this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.SSAOCombineRenderEffect, () => { return this._ssaoCombinePostProcess; }, true)); this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.ToneMappingPostProcessId, () => { return this._toneMapping; }, true)); this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.FinalMergePostProcessId, () => { return this._finalMerge; }, true)); if (this.fxaaEnabled) { this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.FxaaPostProcessId, () => { return this._fxaa; }, true)); } this.addEffect(new BABYLON.PostProcessRenderEffect(this.internalScene.getEngine(), this.GammaCorrectionPostProcessId, () => { return this._gammaCorrection; }, true)); } // Public Methods /** * Removes the internal pipeline assets and detatches the pipeline from the scene cameras */ dispose(disableDepthRender: boolean = false): void { for (var i = 0; i < this.internalScene.cameras.length; i++) { var camera = this.internalScene.cameras[i]; this._originalColorPostProcess.dispose(camera); this._ssaoPostProcess.dispose(camera); this._blurHPostProcess.dispose(camera); this._blurVPostProcess.dispose(camera); this._ssaoCombinePostProcess.dispose(camera); this._fxaa.dispose(camera); this._toneMapping.dispose(camera); this._finalMerge.dispose(camera); this._gammaCorrection.dispose(camera); } this._randomTexture.dispose(); if (disableDepthRender) { this.internalScene.disableDepthRenderer(); } this.internalScene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(this._name, this.internalScene.cameras); this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.dispose(); this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.dispose(); super.dispose(); } private _createSelectionRenderTarget(): void { let canvas = this.internalScene.getEngine().getRenderingCanvas(); this._selectionGroupRenderTarget = new BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture('selectionRenderTarget', { width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height }, this.internalScene, false, false, this._defaultPipelineTextureType, false, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE); this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.wrapU = BABYLON.Texture.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE; this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.wrapV = BABYLON.Texture.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE; this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.hasAlpha = true; this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); this.internalScene.customRenderTargets.push(this._selectionGroupRenderTarget); this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.onBeforeRender = () => { let overlayMeshes = this._renderScene.secondarySceneRoot.getChildMeshes().slice(); overlayMeshes = overlayMeshes.filter(e => e.renderingGroupId === 2 && (!e.metadata || e.metadata['renderTarget'] == 'selection')); this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.renderList = []; for (let mesh of overlayMeshes) { this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.renderList.push(mesh); } let secondaryMeshes = this._renderScene.secondarySceneRoot.getChildMeshes(false); for (let mesh of secondaryMeshes) { if (mesh.renderingGroupId === 2 && (!mesh.metadata || mesh.metadata['renderTarget'] == 'selection')) { mesh.visibility = 1.0; } } }; this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.onAfterRender = () => { let secondaryMeshes = this._renderScene.secondarySceneRoot.getChildMeshes(false); for (let mesh of secondaryMeshes) { if (mesh.renderingGroupId === 2 && (!mesh.metadata || mesh.metadata['renderTarget'] == 'selection')) { mesh.visibility = 0.0; } } }; if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._selectionGroupRenderTarget.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } private _createOverlayRenderTarget(): void { let canvas = this.internalScene.getEngine().getRenderingCanvas(); this._overlayGroupRenderTarget = new BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture('overlayRenderTarget', { width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height }, this.internalScene, false, false, this._defaultPipelineTextureType, false, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE); this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.wrapU = BABYLON.Texture.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE; this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.wrapV = BABYLON.Texture.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE; this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.hasAlpha = true; this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); this.internalScene.customRenderTargets.push(this._overlayGroupRenderTarget); this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.onBeforeRender = () => { let overlayMeshes = this._renderScene.secondarySceneRoot.getChildMeshes().slice(); overlayMeshes = overlayMeshes.filter(e => e.renderingGroupId === 2 && (e.metadata && e.metadata['renderTarget'] == 'overlay')); this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.renderList = []; for (let mesh of overlayMeshes) { this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.renderList.push(mesh); } let secondaryMeshes = this._renderScene.secondarySceneRoot.getChildMeshes(false); for (let mesh of secondaryMeshes) { if (mesh.renderingGroupId === 2 && (mesh.metadata && mesh.metadata['renderTarget'] == 'overlay')) { mesh.visibility = 1.0; } } }; this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.onAfterRender = () => { let secondaryMeshes = this._renderScene.secondarySceneRoot.getChildMeshes(false); for (let mesh of secondaryMeshes) { if (mesh.renderingGroupId === 2 && (mesh.metadata && mesh.metadata['renderTarget'] == 'overlay')) { mesh.visibility = 0.0; } } }; if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._overlayGroupRenderTarget.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } private _createColorBufferPostProcess(): void { this._originalColorPostProcess = new BABYLON.PassPostProcess('SSAOOriginalSceneColor', 1.0, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, this._defaultPipelineTextureType); if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._originalColorPostProcess.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } // Private Methods private _createBlurPostProcess(ratio: number): void { var size = 16; this._blurHPostProcess = new BABYLON.BlurPostProcess('BlurH', new BABYLON.Vector2(1, 0), size, ratio, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, this._defaultPipelineTextureType); this._blurVPostProcess = new BABYLON.BlurPostProcess('BlurV', new BABYLON.Vector2(0, 1), size, ratio, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, this._defaultPipelineTextureType); this._blurHPostProcess.onActivateObservable.add(() => { let dw = this._blurHPostProcess.width / this.internalScene.getEngine().getRenderWidth(); this._blurHPostProcess.kernel = size * dw; }); this._blurVPostProcess.onActivateObservable.add(() => { let dw = this._blurVPostProcess.height / this.internalScene.getEngine().getRenderHeight(); this._blurVPostProcess.kernel = size * dw; }); if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._blurHPostProcess.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; this._blurVPostProcess.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } _rebuild() { this._firstUpdate = true; super._rebuild(); } private _createSSAOPostProcess(ratio: number): void { var numSamples = 16; var sampleSphere = [ 0.5381, 0.1856, -0.4319, 0.1379, 0.2486, 0.4430, 0.3371, 0.5679, -0.0057, -0.6999, -0.0451, -0.0019, 0.0689, -0.1598, -0.8547, 0.0560, 0.0069, -0.1843, -0.0146, 0.1402, 0.0762, 0.0100, -0.1924, -0.0344, -0.3577, -0.5301, -0.4358, -0.3169, 0.1063, 0.0158, 0.0103, -0.5869, 0.0046, -0.0897, -0.4940, 0.3287, 0.7119, -0.0154, -0.0918, -0.0533, 0.0596, -0.5411, 0.0352, -0.0631, 0.5460, -0.4776, 0.2847, -0.0271 ]; var samplesFactor = 1.0 / numSamples; let shader = BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore['custom_ssao' + 'FragmentShader']; if (!shader) { let ssao_frag_shader: string = ssao_frag; BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore['custom_ssao' + 'FragmentShader'] = ssao_frag_shader; } let uniforms = [ 'sampleSphere', 'samplesFactor', 'randTextureTiles', 'totalStrength', 'radius', 'area', 'fallOff', 'base' ]; let samplers = ['randomSampler']; let defines = []; defines.push('#define SAMPLES ' + numSamples); if (this._normalTexture) { samplers.push('normalSampler'); defines.push('#define NORMAL_TEXTURE'); } this._ssaoPostProcess = new BABYLON.PostProcess('ssao', 'custom_ssao', uniforms, samplers, ratio, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, defines.join('\n'), this._defaultPipelineTextureType); this._ssaoPostProcess.onApply = (effect: BABYLON.Effect) => { if (this._firstUpdate) { effect.setArray3('sampleSphere', sampleSphere); effect.setFloat('samplesFactor', samplesFactor); effect.setFloat('randTextureTiles', 4.0); } effect.setFloat('totalStrength', this._ssaoTotalStrength); effect.setFloat('radius', this._ssaoRadius); effect.setFloat('area', this._ssaoArea); effect.setFloat('fallOff', this._ssaoFallOff); effect.setFloat('base', this._ssaoBase); effect.setTexture('textureSampler', this._depthTexture); effect.setTexture('randomSampler', this._randomTexture); if (this._normalTexture) { effect.setTexture('normalSampler', this._normalTexture); } }; if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._ssaoPostProcess.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } private _createSSAOCombinePostProcess(ratio: number): void { this._ssaoCombinePostProcess = new BABYLON.PostProcess('ssaoCombine', 'ssaoCombine', [], ['originalColor'], ratio, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, '', this._defaultPipelineTextureType); this._ssaoCombinePostProcess.onApply = (effect: BABYLON.Effect) => { effect.setTextureFromPostProcess('originalColor', this._originalColorPostProcess); }; if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._ssaoCombinePostProcess.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } private _createRandomTexture(): void { var size = 512; this._randomTexture = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture('SSAORandomTexture', size, this.internalScene, false, BABYLON.Texture.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE); this._randomTexture.wrapU = BABYLON.Texture.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE; this._randomTexture.wrapV = BABYLON.Texture.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE; var context = this._randomTexture.getContext(); var rand = (min: number, max: number) => { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } var randVector = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(); for (var x = 0; x < size; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < size; y++) { randVector.x = rand(0.0, 1.0); randVector.y = rand(0.0, 1.0); randVector.z = 0.0; randVector.normalize(); randVector.scaleInPlace(255); randVector.x = Math.floor(randVector.x); randVector.y = Math.floor(randVector.y); context.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + randVector.x + ', ' + randVector.y + ', ' + randVector.z + ')'; context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } } this._randomTexture.update(false); } private _createFXAAPostProcess(): void { this._fxaa = new BABYLON.FxaaPostProcess('fxaa', 1.0, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, this._defaultPipelineTextureType); if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._fxaa.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } private _createGammaCorrectionPostProcess(): void { let shader = BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore['gamma_correction' + 'FragmentShader']; if (!shader) { let gamma_correction_frag_shader: string = gamma_correction_frag; BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore['gamma_correction' + 'FragmentShader'] = gamma_correction_frag_shader; } this._gammaCorrection = new BABYLON.PostProcess('gamma_correction', 'gamma_correction', [ 'gamma' ], [], 1.0, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, '', this._defaultPipelineTextureType); this._gammaCorrection.onApply = (effect: BABYLON.Effect) => { effect.setFloat('gamma', RenderOptions.gammaValue); }; if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._gammaCorrection.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } // Final Merge private _createFinalMergePostProcess(): void { let shader = BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore['final_merge' + 'FragmentShader']; if (!shader) { let final_merge_frag_shader: string = final_merge_frag; BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore['final_merge' + 'FragmentShader'] = final_merge_frag_shader; } this._finalMerge = new BABYLON.PostProcess('final_merge', 'final_merge', [ 'selectionColor', 'resolution' ], [ 'selectionSampler', 'overlaySampler' ], 1.0, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), false, '', this._defaultPipelineTextureType); this._finalMerge.onApply = (effect: BABYLON.Effect) => { effect.setFloat3('selectionColor', SceneOptions.selectionColor.r, SceneOptions.selectionColor.g, SceneOptions.selectionColor.b); effect.setFloat2('resolution', 1 / this._finalMerge.width, 1 / this._finalMerge.height); effect.setTexture('selectionSampler', this._selectionGroupRenderTarget); effect.setTexture('overlaySampler', this._overlayGroupRenderTarget); }; if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._finalMerge.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } private _createToneMappingPostProcess(): void { this._toneMapping = new BABYLON.TonemapPostProcess('tone_mapping', RenderOptions.toneMappingMethod, RenderOptions.toneMappingExposureAdjustment, null, BABYLON.Texture.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this.internalScene.getEngine(), this._defaultPipelineTextureType); if (this.supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets()) { this._finalMerge.samples = RenderOptions.msaaSampleCount; } } private supportsMultiSampleRenderTargets(): boolean { return RenderOptions.msaaEnabled && Capabilities.WebGLVersion(this.internalScene.getEngine()) >= 2.0 && WebUtils.isChrome(); } } And when I call enableGammaCorrection(false), it does not work with alpha6 but it did work with alpha4. 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trevordev Posted February 1, 2018 Share Posted February 1, 2018 Thanks, I managed to repro with this playground and I think I have a working fix here: Sorry for the breakage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMojito Posted February 2, 2018 Author Share Posted February 2, 2018 2 hours ago, trevordev said: Thanks, I managed to repro with this playground and I think I have a working fix here: Sorry for the breakage. No worry. Super thanks for the quick fix Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMojito Posted March 1, 2018 Author Share Posted March 1, 2018 On 2018/2/2 at 7:01 AM, trevordev said: Thanks, I managed to repro with this playground and I think I have a working fix here: Sorry for the breakage., if (camera._postProcesses[this._indicesForCamera[cameraName][j]] === undefined) { I think we still got some problems here. I need to comment this for my stuff to work. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trevordev Posted March 1, 2018 Share Posted March 1, 2018 That check looks to be there to avoid adding the same post process on the same camera multiple times so I think there must be something wrong with how that array is set. Created, Ill take another look, maybe when the effect is removed that value doesnt get set back to undefined. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMojito Posted March 2, 2018 Author Share Posted March 2, 2018 9 hours ago, trevordev said: That check looks to be there to avoid adding the same post process on the same camera multiple times so I think there must be something wrong with how that array is set. Created, Ill take another look, maybe when the effect is removed that value doesnt get set back to undefined. Yes. The bug happens when after disabling the effects. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trevordev Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 I created a PR which hopefully resolves this: Do you know if the remaining broken behavior after the original fix in this thread is still broken in stable? The original fix worked because in my repro I was only enabling/disabling the last post process but enabling/disabling a middle post process looks to be broken in stable as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMojito Posted March 8, 2018 Author Share Posted March 8, 2018 On 2018/3/7 at 9:39 AM, trevordev said: I created a PR which hopefully resolves this: Do you know if the remaining broken behavior after the original fix in this thread is still broken in stable? The original fix worked because in my repro I was only enabling/disabling the last post process but enabling/disabling a middle post process looks to be broken in stable as well. I think the remaining broken behavior after the original fix should work fine. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trevordev Posted March 8, 2018 Share Posted March 8, 2018 Ok, looks like the new PR got merged. Let me know if you are still able to repro when you get the chance to try it out. Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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