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P2 Physics - stop bounce between sprites in collision groups


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I have used this phaser example as a starting point to build a game where shapes are dynamically dropped from the top of the screen and collide with each other:


What I would like is for the shapes to stop bouncing and vibrating when they collide - but I'm not sure which settings to adjust to achieve this effect (and I've not had much luck with trial and error so far!).

I have set gravity like this: 

game.physics.p2.gravity.y = 6000;

Here is my shapes/sprites json file:

    "shapeOne": [
            "density": 2, "friction": 100, "bounce": 0, 
            "filter": { "categoryBits": 1, "maskBits": 65535 },
            "shape": [   84, 76  ,  0, 160  ,  0, 0  ,  84, 0  ]
        } ,
            "density": 2, "friction": 100, "bounce": 0, 
            "filter": { "categoryBits": 1, "maskBits": 65535 },
            "shape": [   84, 76  ,  314, 76  ,  314, 160  ,  0, 160  ]
    "shapeTwo": [
            "density": 2, "friction": 100, "bounce": 0, 
            "filter": { "categoryBits": 1, "maskBits": 65535 },
            "shape": [   0, 0  ,  315, 0  ,  315, 83  ,  0, 83  ]
    "shapeThree": [
            "density": 2, "friction": 100, "bounce": 0, 
            "filter": { "categoryBits": 1, "maskBits": 65535 },
            "shape": [   0, 0  ,  237, 0  ,  237, 235  ,  0, 235  ]

Does anyone know the correct settings to adjust? Do I need to turn density up really high and friction low? And should gravity be high?

Here is a screenshot of the shapes that are being dropped into the container:


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