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[SOLVED] Blender export merged all textures


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I'm using Blender exporter 5.5

I have a mesh that has a bunch of materials.  I exported to Babylon.js format but all the textures got merged into one texture.

I researched further and discovered that I had 5 materials but only 2 "UV Map" entries.  I added a new "UV Map" entry for each material and assigned their textures to use that UV map, but it didn't make a difference.  Is there something I'm forgetting to do?

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Are you on Blender Render or Cycles ? On Cycles, the exporter make automatic baking, on Blender render this can happen when a texture is assigned on multiple influences.

About UV channels, you're limited to 2 channels, and you certainly doesn't have to make one channel per material. One use case could be UV1 for texture tiling, UV2 for lightmapsn and they both can be used by all object materials.

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In a given material slot, you may not have more than one type of a texture of the same type of influence.  If you were building the code your self:

var mat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial(blah, blah, blah);
var tex1 = new BABLYON.Texture(blah, blah, blah);
var tex2 = new BABLYON.Texture(blah, blah, blah);
mat.diffuseTexture = tex1;
mat.diffuseTexture = tex2;

This will never work.  You also have a useless PunkOffice material.  Your teeth, eyes, tongue have duplicate textures with different names.  Every inefficient.  The Teeth is the error though. 

You may use the texture for more than one type of influence.  Intensity & color both translate to diffuse.  FYI, things in the "Image Sampling" have no meaning in BJS.

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  • ozRocker changed the title to [SOLVED] Blender export merged all textures

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