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running game examples


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I'm doing this on a Windows 10 PC.

I have php installed.

I cloned phaser-master git source into inethub/webroot/phaser directory.

Cloned the phaser-examples-master into inethub/webroot/phaser-examples directory.

index file in examples says can use phaser debug runner.

link shows a php file.

What exactly do I have to do with that file?

Not clear to me.

Thanks for help.

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Thanks so much. Got that and extracted zip into \phaser-examples folder in \inetpub\webroot. Phaser master git repo sits in \inetpub\webroot\phaser.  Now, if I open \phaser-examples folder as a project in either Brackets or Visual Code editors, it opens live in a local server. I can open project root's index.html and open any folder from there, for example the games one, and the samples play live.

Now, on to learning.

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