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My Phaser Boilerplate

Luiz Bills

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I've tweaked this great boilerplate in my fork: https://github.com/appsbu-de/phaser-js-boilerplate/tree/feature/copying


I've added a copy task which copies assets and public files into 'game'. Now I can clean 'game' completely and it's always been generated. Now I've got a clean build directory to be shipped (game) and a source directory with all files I want to edit (src).


I could open a pull request if you want.

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thanks for this. Looks promising. I always wanted to setup a lightweight grunt configuration to use in html projects and therefore also in phaser projects.

My current workflow is based on middleman. It's a static page generator like jekyll. It's based on sprockets and with this a I have the full power of auto compiling and deploying- just I know it and love it in rails. But it feels somehow exaggerated to use it even for the smallest code just to to be able to use haml, coffee or the concatenation & minimizing functions :) I think I'm stuck with this for the current project but for the next project I definitely will try your grunt config. Thanks! 

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Your fork don't works. Please executes "grunt-dev" file. And correct (synchronize/pull) the .gitignore, I found a bug  ;)



Hi, I do not use the Shell scripts. I only use grunt from command line. I've tweaked many things so I won't be able to create a Pullrequest anymore. Anyway. I like your work! And it helped me a lot setting up my workflow.

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