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How to modify 3D model .babylon file from Web application and download it in Android app and render in native activity/view


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First of all Thanks for creating such a nice 3D framework BabylonJS for web. Its really cool and I loved it like anything.

My usecase is "To modify 3D model .babylon file from Web application and download it in Android app and render in native activity/view".

Here, I can able to modify my 3D .babylon model from web however looks like currently no support available for 3D .babylon rendering in Android native. I can see third party android  libraries to load 3D model formats like .dae, .fbx but not .babylon.

If I could get any .babylon to .dae converter then my life will be easy. Expecting some help from Babylon community on this.


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you can host babylon.js inside a webview in your native app in order to directly render the .babylon file

We are also working on a gltf exporter that could be used to move from .babylon to .gltf (Which could be supported by your native app): https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/tree/master/serializers/src/glTF/2.0

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@Deltakosh Thanks a lot for quick reply.

I have researched more on .gltf format and looks like it is/will be supported on multiple cross platform technologies like iOS, Android, Web, Unity and many others.

Is it the case that .gltf will going to be a globally acceptable format in 3D world in near future.

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