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[SOLVED] Easing exported Blender animation


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I have a very simple animation in Babylon.js using an exported Blender scene; a cube that starts at 0°, rotates 90° then back to 0°.

I start this animation using using a function containing this:

scene.beginAnimation(scene.getMeshByName("Cube"), 0, 60, false);

The Blender file has 3 keyframes and I do not want to bake them before exporting - all easings need to be in Babylon.

How to I apply easing to an easing function, say, QuadraticEase() using EASINGMODE_EASEINOUT to this in Babylon?

Any help would really be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Sorted it.. and for anyone else struggling with this, here's what I did:

var easingFunction = new BABYLON.QuadraticEase();
scene.beginAnimation(scene.getMeshByName("Cube.001"), 0, 60, false, 1.0);

animations[0] in this case is rotation, found by running this in the console:


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