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computeWorldMatrix is very slow when scaling in large scale scene


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It's very fast without scaling or the number of mesh is small(less than 1000). But with scaling, the more meshes, the slower. 

https://playground.babylonjs.com/#BU5QQR#4  it's fast with out scaling. 234ms for my computer.

https://playground.babylonjs.com/#BU5QQR#3 it's very slow when scaling. 2607ms . And when size change to 30, it will be timeout.




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I have tested the performance for different number meshes.

number     no-scaling     scaling  

1000             31ms           61ms

3375              80ms           587ms

8000              291ms         3276ms    

15625           470ms         20615ms

The time of no-scaling is almost linear to the number of meshes.

But with scaling, the time is exponential increasing.

It's confused. 


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Each time you set a new scaling value, the WM is marked as dirty, meaning it has to be recomputed from scratch what is a heavy operation. If don't set any scaling (nor position, nor rotation) value, the WM isn't recomputed but is got from the cache, even by calling computeWorldMatrix().

The fact that the performance falls down with the increasing number of meshes is not surprising : the more meshes, the more computations. The fact the time increasing is no linear isn't surprising either : this is the way it happens when it overcrosses the limits of the JS engine and the CPU capabilities.

For you very example (a huge bunch of spheres with different scalings), I would recommand to use a SPS (single particle system) what uses a single global WM and a single draw call to be rendered instead of thousands of individual meshes.  

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I found some clues from the source code. If scaling.isNonUniform, it will iterate every mesh in the scene to _markAllSubMeshesAsDirty(I don't know why) when call computeWorldMatrix.

Below is the stack detail.



if (this.scaling.isNonUniform) {


AbstractMesh.prototype._updateNonUniformScalingState = function (value) {
    if (!_super.prototype._updateNonUniformScalingState.call(this, value)) {
        return false;
    return true;


AbstractMesh.prototype._markSubMeshesAsMiscDirty = function () {
    if (!this.subMeshes) {
    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.subMeshes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
        var subMesh = _a[_i];
        var material = subMesh.getMaterial();
        if (material) {


Material.prototype.markAsDirty = function (flag) {
    if (flag & Material.TextureDirtyFlag) {
    if (flag & Material.LightDirtyFlag) {
    if (flag & Material.FresnelDirtyFlag) {
    if (flag & Material.AttributesDirtyFlag) {
    if (flag & Material.MiscDirtyFlag) {


Material.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty = function () {
    this._markAllSubMeshesAsDirty(function (defines) { return defines.markAsMiscDirty(); });


Material.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsDirty = function (func) {
    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.getScene().meshes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
        var mesh = _a[_i];
        if (!mesh.subMeshes) {
        for (var _b = 0, _c = mesh.subMeshes; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
            var subMesh = _c[_b];
            if (subMesh.getMaterial() !== this) {
            if (!subMesh._materialDefines) {

The last function _markAllSubMeshesAsDirty will iterate every mesh in the scene, so the performance will decrease dramatically.

It's very confusing that changing scaling is related to the material and will iterate each mesh in the scene.

BTW: My babylonjs version is 3.1.1  

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when scaling is non uniform we have to process the normals (in the shader) using a different (a slower) path. This is why we need to flag all materials as dirty.

I can add a property on the mesh which could be mesh.ignoreNonUniformScalingUpdate. It should work flawlessly in your case as you are doing everything before the first frame


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