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Changing ambient texture doesn't always work


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EDIT:  Issue solved by upgrading from 3.0.7 to 3.1.1

Hi, I'm using an ambientTexture as a lightmap and a user has the ability to toggle between 2 different lightmaps.
I'm currently on babylon 3.0.7 as I havn't been able to update to 3.1.1 yet.

What happens is that it works for the majority of the meshes & materials.
However for some meshes they don't always correctly apply the ambient texture greyscale multiplier.
I've tried the following 3 functions:

material.markAsDirty( BABYLON.Material.TextureDirtyFlag );

If I use the code below some seconds afterwards manually it sometimes works properly and sometimes it doesn't.

scene.materials.forEach( (material) => { material.markAsDirty( BABYLON.Material.TextureDirtyFlag ) } );

Is there anything else I can do to trigger the material to update?

The babylon.js file is exported with the old unity exporter.
The StandardMaterial's diffuse texture has alpha enabled


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