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Remove tween when it's complete?


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I'm using 1.1.3


I tried that but it's giving me the error "Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'removeTween'"


I'm fairly certain there's something wrong in this function as I'm new to JS so here's the complete function..

 risingText:function(text, xx, yy)    {        var scoreText = this.game.add.bitmapText(xx, yy, text, { font: '48px Allgemeine', align: 'left' });        var bounce= this.game.add.tween(scoreText);        bounce.to({ x: xx, y: yy-60 }, 1000 + Math.random() * 3000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.In);        bounce.start();        bounce.onCompleteCallback( function() {            this.game.removeTween(scoreText);        });    },
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You are trying to call the function removeTween on your game object. (line 12) The game object doesn't have such a function, which is why you are getting your error.


What you want to do is remove the tween from the game's tween manager.


Replace line 12 with: 

this.game.tweens.remove(bounce); //tweens is a reference to the tween manager

This line works on Phaser 1.1.3 and 1.1.4

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You are trying to call the function removeTween on your game object. (line 12) The game object doesn't have such a function, which is why you are getting your error.


What you want to do is remove the tween from the game's tween manager.


Replace line 12 with: 

this.game.tweens.remove(bounce); //tweens is a reference to the tween manager

This line works on Phaser 1.1.3 and 1.1.4

Does that remove the scoreText when the tween is complete?

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