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BitmapText disappears


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I'v got a really odd issue, which happens the same way in multiple versions of phaser (definitely 2.6.2 & 2.9.2)

I am using bitmap text, which works fine when I play the game first time around, but, bizarrely when the game ends & restarts the text disappears.

It's used on the splash screen, and this problem isn't replicated there (i.e. every time you go back it appears!)

Any ideas?

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By moving between states...

I basically follow this example: https://phaser.io/examples/v2/time/basic-looped-event

altho, like this

this.timer = game.time.events;
this.gameTimer = this.timer.loop(100, this.updateTimer, this );

so, I can stop...


I just worked it out...

I pass the events to variables so I can stop the timer when the game is over.

Obviously as the timer is not (re)started, it doesn't work later. GAH!


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