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Parallel requests for texture image


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Browser doesn't make parallel requests for images from a single domain. 

In WordPress, I used to use a plugin which would randomize subdomains for image requests. Can't something similar be done in Babylon? App owner can point multiple subdomains to same domain where images are hosted. And initialize those multiple subdomains with Babylon such that Babylon takes care of making requests randomly from multiple domains instead of using the link set in Babylon file. 

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I think your first assumption is kind'a wrong. HTTP 1.0 allows max 6 concurrent connections. HTTP2 has canceled this limitation.


Having said that - I think your problem is the rootUrl provided to the plugin (I guess this is what you are referring to and trying to change). I believe you can provide absolute URLs all over and have rootUrl set to an empty string (When calling Load, Appned or ImportMesh). This way you can control the subdomains you are loading data from while parsing the .babylon file.



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@aWeirdo   We needed a solution for loading textures from a big model (babylon file). Not the texture created at runtime. 

@RaananW  Yes, I found later. The limit is 6. But not sure our IIS supported HTTP 2. Chrome was not downloading images in parallel.  

Since we are using AWS S3, I will have to to find how to enable HTTP in S3 and CloudFront I think.  Will do. But that helps. Thanks. 




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