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Rendering Only "In Screen" objects


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I'm doing some stress test with PIXI, and it seems that PIXI draw all the element of the stage, it does not matter if they are in range off the screen or not.

I'm trying with 300 circles and even if I move the layer to coordinates very far from the "screen view" (x=10000,y=10000), it still processing them all and give me very low FPS

There is any way to process only "inrange" objects to save CPU/GPU usage?

It is a Normal Draw (drawCircle) slower or heavier than an Image?


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Yes, you can do that. 300 different Graphics elements and 300 circles in same Graphics element are different things because in first case its 300 drawcalls.

The only thing that is optimized here is that GPU doesn't call fragment shader on pixels that are out-of-bounds. IF you want to save drawcalls and vertices, implement your own culling algorithm, pixi doesn't have that.

I advice you to read at least 4 last pages, there are many related threads about your issue.

Also, related thread:


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According to https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/blob/dev/src/core/display/Container.js#L394 , its enough to set visible on parent.

If you mean that you want to check every element in the tree whether it has to be rendered - there's a cause why pixi doesn't have that built-in function. getBounds() of many sprites/graphics is slow. You have to find your own way of culling, based on your app specifics.

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var loopChildsDisableRenderablesOffScreen = function(children) {
	for (let k in children) {
	  var child = children[k]
	  var pos = child.toGlobal(new PIXI.Point(0, 0))
	  child.visible =child.renderable= (pos.x > 0 && pos.y > 0 && pos.x < screen.width && pos.y < screen.height)


The logic works but it does not seems to improve the FPS, any idea why?

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