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setTileIndexCallback context


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I'm trying to change the velocity of an object with a callback from "setTileIndexCallback" but with no luck. I can read its body velocity but cannot set it.


Slug = function (game, x, y) {
    x *= 16;
    y *= 16;
    Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, x, y, "atlas", "slug/slug-1");
    this.animations.add('crawl', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('slug/slug-', 1, 4, '', 0), 10, true);
    this.body.setSize(20, 11, 7, 10);
    this.body.gravity.y = 500;
    this.body.velocity.x = 40;
    this.body.bounce.x = 1;

    globalMap.setTileIndexCallback(3, function(){ console.log(this.body.velocity.x); this.body.velocity.y =  -50; }, this);
Slug.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype);
Slug.prototype.constructor = Slug;
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