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suggestion on freewall drawing using ribbons


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Hi Team,

I am working on a floor planner. I have implemented freewall drawing feature using ribbons. I am also setting the borders to freewall using enable edge rendering. This works fine for individual ribbons. however, there can be a situation where multiple freewalls are connected to each other. in this case, i want borders to come for complete path and not individually. i tried merging the meshes using `BABYLON.Mesh.MergeMeshes` .  however, the borders are coming still individual

Something similiar to freewalls fro, homestyler (https://www.homestyler.com/floorplan/?&lang=en_US).



what is the best way to implement something close to this.


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Hi guys.  If I may butt-in...


DK, it sounds like the edgesRenderer is treating merged meshes... as if they are not merged.  (see PG)  I don't know if I have ever tried an edgesRender on a merged mesh.

I think Masterdon would like the edgesRender to do WHOLE merged-mesh.  Treat it as one "contiguous?" mesh.

Currently, separate-object edgesRendering.  *shrug*

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