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Assign different materials to different parts of RIbbon


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I generate a Ribbon from a path array which looks like in the attached image.

I assign a single color material to the mesh, now I would like to add an another material/color to the center "strip".

How can I achieve it. or did I have to create 3 separate paths (left , center, right) ?



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You can use different parts of a same texture ans assign them manually to the ribbon vertices with the parameter uvs what is a flat array of Vector2 (one doublet (u,v) per vertex) : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Mesh/babylon.meshBuilder.ts#L130

You can also set different colors to each ribbon vertex with the parameter colors what is a flat array of Color4 (one color4 per ribbon vertex) :


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We didn't use a Texture just plain colors.

I tried the second approach, did I have to predefine the VertexColor for every vertex?

So i have to "precalculate" how many vertices I will get?

Also didn't I get unwanted "gradients" from the center stripe to the outer vertices?

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Actually the triangle (facet) colors are interpolated between two vertices, that why you've got this gradient between the grey vertex and the next red one. If you don't wan't this gradient, well, just add the required paths (vertices) each holding the grey and the red colors on the same positions.

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yep about the polycount although it might be not that important ... If you care about this, you could also keep in memory the whole path data, then create a smaller ribbon (say, the visible part only) and update it from the data with the camera movement

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