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Binary Babylon File format


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Binary format... now that's something I haven't heard for a long time :)

I wonder - why do you need a binary format? is it because of file size? because if it is, enabling gzip compression on your text files (server-side) will probably be the better way to go.

regarding the binary format exporter - most of the sene will stay a .babylon file. the vertex data of the meshes can be represented as a binary file.

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1 hour ago, RaananW said:

 the vertex data of the meshes can be represented as a binary file.

How? :)

1 hour ago, RaananW said:

Binary format... now that's something I haven't heard for a long time :)

thank you :)

1 hour ago, RaananW said:

I wonder - why do you need a binary format? is it because of file size?


1 hour ago, RaananW said:

because if it is, enabling gzip compression on your text files (server-side)

of course it is possible. but if a file will have binary format, front-end and back-end don't need to spend time and memory to gzip/ungzip :) especially for babylon files 100 MB...

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I am still not too convinced about the need of a binary file :)

When you pack an application for mobile or desktop usage, the files are being packed to a single application and usually are compressed. When serving in a browser that supports gzip (all browsers who support webgl support gzip) you can use compression. The binary format's structure was very redundant. It simply stored all vertex data as binary data. no reusage, no compression, it wasn't optimized.

I didn't quite follow on the binary file format state of babylon, but I think we don't officially support it anymore (But please don't quote me on that :) )


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