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Following camera "erases" TilemapLayer


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I'm still in the early prototyping phase so I suspect (hope?) my issue is one of overlooking a core tenant of Phaser... Also, I'm coding with Phaser CE 2.8.7 using Typescript/ES6.

My primary game state is comprised of two classes: A combat class extending Phaser.Sprite which serves as a container for the 4 character atlases within, and, beneath, a UI Class extending Group which contains a few buttons and, to the right, a mini-map group comprised of a Tilemap and its lone TilemapLayer. (The star icon is a simple sprite on top of the tilemap layer which will later represent the player, but that is currently inactive.)

The problem: as the characters advance to the right there's no problem until the camera kicks in. It "follows" the sprites just fine... BUT while advancing the camera seems to erase the tilemap layer as it goes, removing it entirely. When the characters return to the start position, however, the mini-map is restored as the camera passes from right to left. If I remove the camera altogether this never occurs, so it seems I've mismanaged the camera or the mini-map somehow.

I've attached two screenshots: the first displaying the mini-map before the camera begins to erase it, the second as the camera begins to pass above the mini-map, erasing the image as it passes.

I'll gladly provide any relevant code if needed...

screenshot 1.png

screenshot 2.png

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