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SPS and skeleton animation


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Hi, I try to run animation of skeleton on my SPS, but i don't work. 


Simple code:


                    let SPS = new BABYLON.SolidParticleSystem("SPS", scene);
                    SPS.addShape(meshP, 50);
                    let mesh = SPS.buildMesh();
                    mesh.material = meshP.material;
                    mesh.skeleton = meshP.skeleton.clone("clonedSkeleton2");
                    SPS.afterUpdateParticles = function(start, stop, update) {
                        mesh.skeleton.beginAnimation('Skill01', true);



Thanks for help


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I have limited knowledge of SPS(unfortunately), but could it be, that that piece of code gets called every frame? If that's the case, you won't see any difference as the animation gets restarted every ~16ms.

Try using something like a boolean.

isSPSPlaying = false;
SPS.afterUpdateParticles = function(start, stop, update) {
       mesh.skeleton.beginAnimation('Skill01', true);
       isSPSPlaying = true;

I'm not sure of how you want your logic to work. But I do believe this could be the issue.

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The SPS is a big updatable mesh whose the vertex positions are all updated each call to setParticles(). That means its whole geometry is supposed to change each frame with no other global coherence. Therefore it doesn't support the skeleton by default.

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Actually, the SPS is a big mesh... nothing would prevent technically to use a skeleton. But, as all this mesh vertices are updated one by one by setParticles(), there's no guarantee that the skeleton coherence and organization is kept along (for sure, it isn't). Maybe managing by the hand each parts would work, no idea (except that this would be really complex to implement).

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I create my field of grain using instances, but perfomance would be better using SPS, but I cannot do that using SPS. 

                    let grain = self.game.factories['nature_grain'].createInstance('Grain', true);
                    grain.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(1.3,1.3,1.3);
                    grain.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(22.32,0,-103.46);
                    grain.skeleton.beginAnimation('ArmatureAction', true);

                    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                        let offsetX = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 60;
                        let offsetZ = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10;
                        let instance = grain.createInstance("instance" + i);
                        instance.parent = grain;
                        instance.skeleton = grain.skeleton;
                        instance.position.x = offsetX;
                        instance.position.z = offsetZ;

Effect like this: https://streamable.com/wxygk

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