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Facebook Messenger Inspired Basketball game

Dalton Jay Romasanta

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Hi, this is my first HTML5 game using Phaser, I found this gem https://github.com/BonbonLemon/basketball because I have a project to create a basketball game and it is very similar from what I needed.

My concern is how can I remove the frame drop. Because every time I play the frame drops ridiculously. Both in Desktop Chrome and Smartphone Chrome.

All the assets are in low resolution. I can't find a fix why this happens. I hope someone can help me. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, samid737 said:

I remember this  had something to do with sprites being added every frame in update when the ball is thrown:


For smart phones (and in general), its better to bundle all your images to one texture atlas. You can use TexturePacker to combine all images to one atlas. 

Hi samid737I appreciate your reply. I saw your snippet from the other post. Do I have to remove adding a sprite from the update?

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Yes. This part deals damage:

    if (ball && ball.body.velocity.y > 0) {
        //front_rim = game.add.sprite(148, 182, 'front rim'); //this one
            front_rim = game.add.sprite(148, 182, 'front rim'); //patch
        ball.body.collides([collisionGroup], hitRim, this); // This can be done in create

Basically everything that has a game.add  can be moved to create() in this game. The tweens for example can be paused and played instead of readding them in update. 
Im not sure why sprites are added in update, you can add them all once during create() and for example toggle their visiblity (emoji.visible=true etc..). I would suggest rebuilding the game from scratch, you will probably have a much better version by going trough the phaser examples.

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