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Mirrored UV's


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Hello Guys,

First of all I would like to congratulate you about the amazing framework you have developed. I just had a look at it today and loved it. 
So I decided to try and import an old model of mine which has mirrored UV's. The model has a normal map baked to achieve a high poly cool effect.
So my guess is that you don't take into account mirrored UV, or that I am missing something during export. 

I would love to hear about your thoughts on the topic, let me know if you need a blender file.

Thanks and best regards,




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Hello @gryff ,

There you go https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B56X4H12cx4kNGdacm1VOHlSZlU

Thanks guys for the warm welcome :) . I hope to become a part of this community and contribute at least by using the framework and send feedback to you guys.
I decided to take on a personal project which might take a while. I want to make an online game with JS stack so I think I will have plenty of questions and feedback :P .

Thanks again,

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@RelativeNull : thanks for the .blend file:)

Now I'm trying to figure out what you mean by " you don't take into account mirrored UV " and what you see as the problem?

Here is your character Jack that I exported from Blender but I changed one of the textures to have a green number 2 on the chest. (See image below)


Walk towards the character - the image is mirrored. nicely. (I suspect the body and face meshes were created using the mirror modifier. If you don't want the the textures to be mirrored you are going to have to re-uvMap the meshes.)

There are other issues though with your model - meshes poking through each other, the ugly shading on parts of the mesh, bones that are not used or set up etc.

cheers, gryff :)




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Hey @gryff,

Well yeah now that I look closely, I think the texture is mirrored nicely. My guess was wrong :P . No I have no problems with the textures being mirrored, as a matter of fact that was my intention :) . The whole point of the thread however was the normals not being applied to the model when loading it to Babylon. I am sure if you change to material view, you will be able to see the normals applied in blender. Am I missing something during export ? As you can see from my attach, this is how I view the model in Blender, I should be able to reach the same effect on Babylon.js right? ( The mesh is a mess because basically it was decimated. So I was aware of that :D ). 

Thanks for your effort, I highly appreciate it!
Best Regards,


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On 9/21/2017 at 7:07 PM, RelativeNull said:

The whole point of the thread however was the normals not being applied to the model when loading it to Babylon.

@RelativeNull Well yes they are :o

Compare these two scenes:

Jack with Normal map

Jack without normal map

I deleted the normal texture from just the body - the face still the same in both models.

By the way, the black hair has more verts and faces than the whole of the body:o

The body mesh is not very good - no flow to the faces that you would get with lowpoly "box/edge" modelling

And you still have issues with the bones and animation - 72 bones is way to many and the IK bones are not connected properly :(

cheers gryff :)

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Hey @gryff,

Thank you for your response :) . Thanks for the tips, I will keep them in mind in future modeling jobs :) . 
One last thing though, are you sure the tangents are generated correctly in Babylon.js ? I have achieved the same visual results of Blender in another render engine some time ago and it seems quite strange to not be able to achieve the same result here as well despite the many problems of the mesh. 

Best Regards,

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