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Phaser Scaling Question


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Hi, @samme, thank you for your answers, but it doesn't exactly do what I'd like. When I stretch the view, the left and right paddings are on top of the world sprite, but I'd like them not to be - I'd want the visible world to start at x=0 after the left padding sprite and end at x=1920 before the right padding sprite no matter how much I stretch it.

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6 hours ago, ozdy said:

When I stretch the view, the left and right paddings are on top of the world sprite, but I'd like them not to be - I'd want the visible world to start at x=0 after the left padding sprite and end at x=1920 before the right padding sprite no matter how much I stretch it.

Revised. You'll have to adjust camera.bounds in the resize callback if you want them to meet the padding boundaries. 

This kind of design is much simpler if you put the buttons overlay in HTML/CSS instead, so if that's a possibility, try it.

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15 hours ago, samme said:

Revised. You'll have to adjust camera.bounds in the resize callback if you want them to meet the padding boundaries. 

This kind of design is much simpler if you put the buttons overlay in HTML/CSS instead, so if that's a possibility, try it.

EDIT: Solved it, thanks again!

this.game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.USER_SCALE;
this.game.scale.setResizeCallback(this.onSizeChange, this);
onSizeChange():void {
var ratio = Math.min(window.innerWidth/Game.WIDTH,window.innerHeight/Game.HEIGHT);
this.camera.bounds.x = -Infinity;
this.camera.bounds.width = Infinity;
this.camera.x = -(window.innerWidth/ratio-Game.WIDTH)/2;

Original Post:

Thank you @samme, this is almost what I'm looking for. How can I add stretching, like having the game scale so that ratio of game is math.min(screen_height/logical_game_height,screen_width/logical_game_width) ? I tried setting the code below, but the game flickers :(

this.game.world.scale.x = this.game.world.scale.y = Math.min(this.game.width/Game.WIDTH,this.game.height/Game.HEIGHT);
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