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Character movement always in forward


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Glad you found your solution.

May I ask you to post the part of the code that you used to get what you wanted?

I'm not sure that your link won't break someday (if your remove your example from the Internet) so people on this forum would never know how you got what you wanted.


Thank you.


P.S: and set the post containing your code as the best answer

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As I said the code is already on this forum.
I did a search 'forward' and i am falling on the part of code which interessai me.

I always share the results, you should not persecuting me for that I share my code. This is always what I have done. Of other, by contrast, have never share their codes. I agree to the community sharing. I do not agree that the people to tell me what I should do and not to do. I am here since the opening of the forum, you arrive here to tell me how I should do on this forum.


You you deceive of person.


Thank You


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi dad72,


That must be a misunderstood. Of course I'm happy that you share your stuff especially with BabylonJS community as I'm happy that anyone on this forum does the same. Thank you.


I'm sorry that it's not the feeling I gave you. I was only suggesting to improve the way we communicate on this forum: I would prefer to quickly go to the best answer containing the key part of the code (not the full function or all the functions of the application) which puts people on the good track to resolve their problems and after that read code examples (or link to code examples) such as your index.html. I'm also suggesting to provide a link to people only if this link won't be broken later on or if its contents won't change. I noticed your index.html doesn't show the same thing than you posted it as best answer on January 23. Maybe it's not bad at all to understand this topic but it could be if its content is not linked to this topic anymore, that's why I'm suggesting to copy-paste key part of the code of index.html and set it as best answer since this part won't change even if you modify the content of index.html or remove this page.


Of course all of this it's only my suggestion, all of us can do whatever we want but we all want to share our experience and help people so we implicitly adopt conventions. Writting in English is one of them and setting the key part of the code as best answer could be another one.


Thank you.

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