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bug clone/dispose texture and material


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When i recreate texture or material, clone/dispose created more one texture (clone logic incorrect material.texture.clone() and material._texture.clone())
example https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/indexstable#Y48SUQ
this is very important for dynamic scene, please fix source

** I tryed run in this latest version and saw what recreate correctry, but i not undersend how...
and other  -- i see what canvas2D  will be not suported in future?
I see GUI, this is  very cool feature, but GIU can't do many tasks... 
Tell me whether it is possible to work with canvas2d in babylon.js 3.0, or will the support be returned in the future?

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2 hours ago, Deltakosh said:


I suggest using bjs 3.1 if it fixes your issue.

Canvas2d was removed in favor of GUI. What feature from Canvas2D are you missing?

As I understand the problem, not only my ...
I do not know English so well to explain. but here are some examples.
canvas2d correctly displayed the fonts (bold / normal / italic  size... etc). Example
canvas2d - http://joxi.ru/8AnoBv7TjMj8vr
GUI: http://joxi.ru/L21zRyZS8k8WMA

How I did not try to insert Electrolize bold so it at me and was not installed.
The containers was were easiered to align and scale in the one inner scene layer.
canvas2d it was easy to use sprites. In the GUI, I got it only after the dances with a tambourine and only by observing the dimensions view and not the mathematics.

canvas2d allowed direct access to the object canvas.
In the GUI, the changes were not rendered. Maybe I just did not understand api.

The GUI is much simpler and more convenient than the cumbersome configs. But so far the functional is less than (

GUI is a great solution - good example how is must be, but need time for adapt and looking alternative

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That would be great!
I've already removed the extension ...
Problem in class Canvas2d. Internal references led to remote properties of BABYLON

possibly inside the assembly Canvas2d there is this override.
Babylon.Tools.getClassName = Babylon.Tools.GetClassName
I diden't saw.
nockawa has been updating the repository  a long time ago, so this is logical. And in source codes on how much I understand it never and did not have.

on PG everything seems to be all the scenes where the canvas2d was used, now  breaked.

When you can add support for styles in the GUI? And what will be the target version?
Thanks for you responce. 
I have long wondered how you manage to do everything. Presentations, moderation. programming, tutorials  and much more... =)

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