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PBR composer ( node based )


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I'm happy to announce that the node based PBR Composer is on the road.

What is PBR Composer ? In short, PBR Composer helps you design and visualize a PBR Material in an efficient way. Parameterizing takes place by dragging and connecting specific nodes from a palette (typically textures, colors and uv-coordinates) to the output node, which represents the PBR Material. A preview panel lets you see all changes in realtime and the corresponding js-sourcecode will be updated as well. The resulting graph  can be downloaded in JSON format for later use. Images can be inserted via preview fileselect dialog and/or Drag&Drop, in latter case the images will be transformed to embedded data-urls so the javascript functions can be reused without dependencies. Different meshes and environment-maps are available to see the material under different geometry and reflective light conditions.

Motivation for PBR Composer: Due to the complexity of the PBR material (soo many combinations with soo much amazing effects) there is a need of having realtime feedback reflecting the changing parameters. Other than some editor already out using a bunch of parameters in confusing properties panels, nodes lets you to concentrate only on the parameters you need giving a nice overview in form of a graph. Nodes can also be shared and avoids therfore redundancy in the sourcecode. The goal is/was to make the user interface as efficient as possible. The idea for realizing the PBR Composer was inspired from Shader Editor.

Technical details: PBR Composer is a web application based on dat.gui, w2ui, litegraph.js and of course on BABYLON.js

TODO: At the moment, PBR Composer is customized for PBR-Glossy materials. The current activity is realizing a function for switching between Glossy and Metallic paradigms.

Any questions? Let me know...

PS: PBR Composer is still in alpha stage but will be deployed in beta stage soon :)

Here it is te demo ...









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@Sebavan @Deltakosh @satguru and all other members interested on PBRComposer,

Project is still in alpha, but you can play live now on my homepage :)

So what is still missing: several useXXX-Flags for the material and the light environment (Properties panel on the right) , but in general most of the work is done.

There is no manual at the moment, so play around (dragging doubleclicking etc.) and you will see in short time the basic idea of operating.

Because of the loading time of the ressources, I reduced the cubemaps to 2 pieces and shrinked the textures as well.

After completing and cleanup the sources I will upload the whole software on github, but this will take some days more.

Feel free to make comments and report problems.





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