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UV channels and ambient texture.


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Hi everyone,

(note : At first I thought it was a bug, now with a Playground I think it's a feature I don't fully understand...)

Here is a case I'm facing, waiting for some nice expert to enlighten me...

Use case

- A mesh is generated with UVs (for diffuse Texture) and UVs1 (for a default ambient texture).

- On a user action, another ambient texture is computed, based on UVs2 channel, and applied.

- The new ambient texture fails to use UVs2.

(note : I'd like to have all the UVs (UVs, UVs1 and UVs2) generated at the same time, and not on user action)

(note : A solution for my specific case would be to exchange UVs1 and UVs2 when assigning the new ambient texture)


Playground : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#6L74SN#1

Is there a way to use UVs2 for the ambient texture here ?

Alternatively, is there a use for all these UV channels in the StandardMaterial (or PBRMaterial ?) ? Some rules like "UVs or UVs1 for diffuse, UVs2 for LightMap, UVs3 for displacement..." ?

Thanks a lot and have a nice day !


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