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Game speeds up after reloading


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Hello everyone!

I just recently got into PIXI.js and started with a tutorial from kittykatattack on GitHub which can be found here: https://github.com/kittykatattack/learningPixi#introduction

I finished the tutorial and everything works great! After that I wanted to expand the game and add a "Try again" or "Play again" button to the end scene and I got that to work aswell. But each time the game restarts it gets quicker and quicker. It seems like the speed is doubling on each restart. 

I added this code to the end state function:


    tryAgainMessage.click = function (e) {
        for (var i = stage.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stage.removeChild(stage.children[i]);};        
        gameScene.visible = true;
        gameOverScene.visible = false;
        state = setup;
    playAgainMessage.click = function (e) {
        for (var i = stage.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {	stage.removeChild(stage.children[i]);};        
        gameScene.visible = true;
        gameOverScene.visible = false;
        state = setup;

Does anyone know how I can properly restart the game once the message is clicked?

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Without looking at any code, it sounds like you are doubling up some movement logic in the game loop by adding callbacks in the setup function(s), but not removing existing ones. You might want to look at creating some kind of "reset" state/function, which resets the things you want, but doesn't call some of the unneeded initial setup logic again.

I expect someone might be able to give you a more detailed answer than this with specific reference to the code, but I don't have time to look through it :P

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