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[SOLVED] babylon.exporter too much frames


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Hi all,

I'm using blender-BJS-Exporter 5.4.0 and have a blender scene with a keyframed animation starting from start Frame:0 to Frame:120. Unfortunately there are much more frames exported than expected (up to 640 but with gaps). It seems the scene is looped a second time but with some garbage and some gaps inbetween.

I'm new to blender but I'm quite sure to have a consistent scene.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance



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You are probably using the JSON / .babylon exporter, but I can explain using the source code generating exporter, Tower of Babel.

You are doing non-skeleton animation, so you get animations for position, then rotation, then scaling.  You are not scaling in your case, but this is really not detectable.

You do have 3 actions in your .blend, so the # of frames are cumulative.  These 3 animation ranges get created.  The gaps are just for sanity of separating where each action starts / ends.  If you are only interested in Action.001, then delete the others.  The exporter does all.

this.createAnimationRange("Action.001", 0, 120);
this.createAnimationRange("Action.002", 130, 250);
this.createAnimationRange("BezierCircleAction", 260, 380);

Also, if the rotation or position is linear, you can remove frames in the middle, I think & save some space.

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@JCPalmer thank you very much for reply.


If you are only interested in Action.001, then delete the others

This is the problem, I have only  one action in my blender file... so how to delete the others? I baked an animation from a follow path constraint...and deleted the curve afterwards . Maybe garbage in the blender file!


Also, if the rotation or position is linear, you can remove frames in the middle, I think & save some space

My target scene will not be linear, it's only a test, but thanks for the hint.


Tower of Babel

Yes I've installed this plugin, but I don't know to use it and I red something about that this software was replaced by exporter?

Can you drop me some lines how to use?

PS: Oh I see, there will be a file.js created...

Thank you again


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