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Ads in phaser game


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I have developed small game and I wanted monetized it.

But there is a one big problem... Admob plugin(cordova) makes the game laggy at the beggining.

I am looking for a solution long time, tried different plugins, the result was the same.

Can anyone help me?

I tried use webworkers but i couldn't fit the code to it.

Thanks! :)

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My problem is connected with banner, i didnt test interstitial.

I was testing on xiaomi mi5, huawei p8 lite and some samsung, but always with the same effect.

I cant see lags in your game, because it shows in menu without any animations :)

It looks like something is loading with fps dropdown and after that everything is normal(almost).

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Don't know exactly what causes that, but try to test with my parameters (I use admob pro for cordova):

            adId: 'xxxxxxxxx',
            overlap: true,
            offsetTopBar: false,
            position: AdMob.AD_POSITION.BOTTOM_LEFT,
            bgColor: '#000000',
            autoShow: false

Let it create first, and on the next menu, show it:


If you play "Penalty Cup" in my game the banner ad is still there while playing. I don't have many animations in the game, but it should give you a general idea.

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Are you using admob pro plugin for cordova?

That's already native java, the JavaScript part is only the bridge. Web workers won't help because the ad is not on the Webview.

Do you use crosswalk? It will help in android versions earlier than 7.

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