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Slavs - slavian rpg game


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Hi! After work with Phaser.IO to create simple isometric RPG game i decided to close my phaser project due to bad performance and quality problems - too much for 2D framework. Last version is available there http://game.furcatomasz.pl. When I got new power to work with my new game, then I decided to work with my cousin in BJS. Me and him do not have any experience with 3d games. We start with learn BJS and Blender four months ago. With many problems with optimization objects (instances, materials), collisions, shadows etc. there you can check actual version of our game: http://babylon.furcatomasz.pl.

Also I create FB page: https://www.facebook.com/slavsGame/ where you can find steps of our work with BJS.

At this moment we use: BJS 3.0 and Socket.IO for multiplayer. (nodeJS for websocket server)

Now we work on:

- Monsters
- Players
- Items
- skills
- quests

After finish that i will write a backend server in PHP in Symfony for store players data.

Thanks for yours help with our problems!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After 2 months break of development I back to work...

Lest changes:

- changed camera to simple 3d camera with FOG (ortho has been disabled)
- all actions like movement, attacks, monsters is calculated on server side
- preview of new maps (on east is entrance to town)
But still there is many bugs to fix. I suggest to follow my channel on FB https://www.facebook.com/slavsGame/

Preview: http://babylon.furcatomasz.pl/

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, i am really happy to show You next preview of game. There is a one year of work in BJS.  What has been changes from last time:

- I decided to split servers. One server for sockets, storage and sessions is in Symfony 3 (in earlier preview I using node server with socket IO server), second server is monster server in node JS with NullEngine of BJS 3.2. Monster server control all monsters in game to avoid cheating. 
- correct working quests with chapters
- We use BJS 3.2
- Some improvements (gui, optimize etc)
- new locations and new monsters.

This version is only preview mode, i want to release alpha version soon. There is link. http://babylon.furcatomasz.pl. Can you share your opinion about actual state? I think about perfomance and stability of game - Thanks.


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  • 1 month later...



"In next week we will start with closed alpha test! Also we will launch test website of game to start collecting users. Just wait for information." - https://www.facebook.com/slavsGame/

There is video of alpha map:

What we do in last time?

- generate SPS on planes from Blender to allow to prepare full scene context in Blender
- integrate game client with website (user authorization)
- textures optimization
- balance attributes to feel character upgrade after lvl up
- a lot of fixes and improvements 

So in next week I want to send to people access to alpha version to test together our work. We spent on in 1 year and 3 months. Would be fine to prepare game to end of this year, i think about final version. 

I am proud of BJS Engine! This allow me makes my dreams comes true!

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  • 1 month later...


We had small opportunities to open alpha test, but we prepared a lot of stuff last time:

Game website: http://slavsgame.com - it is not ready yet, because we need to write full scenario and create bestiary. Access to play is closed, but in this week I unlock that, so feel free to create your account! :)

In game I made some performance improvements, also fixed the animations, we change the default babylon JS loader (don't afraid i will add to site BJS logo and description with link to framework) and a lot of small features and bugfixes.

https://streamable.com/wltry - currently state preview :) - this will be available in  alpha test. I will prepare 3 version (normal, mobile and debug), because I want to collect some feedback from users. I think about perfomance, what do you change in game etc. I describe it more soon. 

Tom Furca

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  • 4 weeks later...

We still working on our Slavs game! Last time we spent on GUI in game and new website.

Also we decided to make this game more tactic then hack and slash - character will got four new skills. We had draw map of first 6 locations and then we can start with real alpha test, now game is to small to testing by people unfortunately. So finished skills with new locations allow us to create next version of alpha. 

New 2D elements are available on http://slavsgame.com 

FireShot Capture 2 - Slavs - Slavian RPG game in WebGL - http___localhost_app_dev.php_.png

FireShot Capture 5 - Slavs - Slavian RPG game in WebGL - http___slavsgame.com_bundles_frontend_.png

FireShot Capture 6 - Slavs - Slavian RPG game in WebGL - http___slavsgame.com_items.png

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