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What is the best stack to use?


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I'm currently doing some research about the technologies best used for Phaser. I've read up some problems that browser javascript has, such as no in-built support for modularity or packaging (and versioning, like npm). There are a few of these "stacks" I've found:





Since there are countless of these around, I'm wondering which one is the best overall, in terms of speed, stability, ease of use, popularity, etc? What are some of the other stacks that you may use too?

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See Why Brunch... And not Webpack, Grunt, or Gulp for a discussion of the loaders/builders (even if you don't prefer Brunch). Webpack is popular. IMHO Brunch provides nearly the same benefits with much less hassle. Grunt is said to be slow.

ES6 and TypeScript are the most popular compile-to-JS languages. They're not essential, but if you're interested in the new ES6 structures, try that, and if you like typed languages, try TS. I'm the only one who uses CoffeeScript.

Any up-to-date repo will probably do fine.

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On 01/07/2017 at 8:51 AM, Rudrabhoj Bhati said:

I personally use ES6 with Grunt for both Phaser and PIXI.


4 hours ago, samme said:

See Why Brunch... And not Webpack, Grunt, or Gulp for a discussion of the loaders/builders (even if you don't prefer Brunch). Webpack is popular. IMHO Brunch provides nearly the same benefits with much less hassle. Grunt is said to be slow.

ES6 and TypeScript are the most popular compile-to-JS languages. They're not essential, but if you're interested in the new ES6 structures, try that, and if you like typed languages, try TS. I'm the only one who uses CoffeeScript.

Any up-to-date repo will probably do fine.

Are there any ways to easily implement these? e.g: Just downloading one file, or one plugin without having to do a difficult and tedious setup with some hacky fixes?

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I replied on your other thread

with some details about how you could go about adding modules/es6 to your source files but having compatibility with all browsers.

Bundlers (webpack, brunch, grunt, gulp, etc etc etc etc etc) all pretty much work the same way, install plugins/presets/stuff you need, write some config to wire it up, and get going. Transpilers (babel, traceur, buble, typescript) also work largely in the same way. They are two separate processes, usually it'll go: transpile everything to es5/3, bundle it up. This field is very competitive though and very mature now, there are some wonderful things you can do with transpilation (bundling is, by necessity, far simpler), just be careful of all the additional cruft that is largely unnecessary out there. It's hard to get started because there is so much stuff out there, try to start easy by using a bundler and a transpiler together, there are many many examples of using any combo of  bundler + transpiler (e.g. browserify-babel, webpack-TS, brunch-babel etc etc).

They pretty much all do the exact same job, unless you have very specific needs there is no best and which one you like largely comes down to personal preference. 

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