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[Need tester thoughts] Red Bug Green Bug


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Hello everyone,


I'm looking for some feedback on my newly finished game, Red Bug Green Bug. I have tried to make the mechanics understandable without blocks of text describing them but have no way of knowing how well players will understand how to play without getting some feedback. If you could let me know what your experience was like I would appreciate it!









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It took me some time to figure out that you couldn't move when the ladybug was red. It didn't take me that long to figure it out but it was still a couple of frustrating seconds.


Some other feedback is that the game is quite boring if you have won and are playing against the computer since it takes forever for the other snails to finish.

It would also have been nicer, in my opinion, if when the race ended you got some kind of endscreen instead of it just going back to main menu (in Single Race).

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I have played the 2 modes avaliable, and so:

Good points:
-Gameplay, It was a simple, yet nice idea.
-Graphics: Colorful, and not ugly at all, everything seems in place, nothing stands out as it should have been elsewhere

What you could improve:
-One music only, for the entire game, and no sound effects, the music is not bad, but only this music can be quite annoying as time passes
-More options: I saw it was made with Construct 2, and since I know this engine, I know that sound control (at least on/off, at most a slider) can be done, also maybe a difficulty setting for the IA maybe.
-As I said, no sound effects, I thouh that at least the ladybug would make a sound, so we don't have to watch her only

Overall: Nice little game, only some problems towards audio could be solved

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