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Change colour - shape from blender


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I maked simple hexagon in blender and i want change colour on click button "Click me". How I can refer to the specific id (In this case - Cube) from blender in my script?

Can you check my html file? I'm not sure that all it's good. 

It's blender file

{"producer":{"name":"Blender","version":"2.78 (sub 0)","exporter_version":"4.6.1","file":"szescian.babylon"},

My html code

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="utf-8"/>
      <title>Babylon - Getting Started</title>
      <!-- link to the last version of babylon -->
      <script src="js/babylon.2.5.js"></script>

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
    <canvas id="renderCanvas"></canvas>
    <button id="sweetButton">Click me</button>

    	window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
        var canvas = document.getElementById('renderCanvas');
        var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
        engine.enableOfflineSupport = false;

        var createScene = function(){
          var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);

      		// create a FreeCamera, and set its position to (x:0, y:5, z:-10)
          var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera('camera1', new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 5,-10), scene);

          // target the camera to scene origin

      		// attach the camera to the canvas
         	camera.attachControl(canvas, false);

      		// create a basic light, aiming 0,1,0 - meaning, to the sky
          var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight('light1', new BABYLON.Vector3(0,1,0), scene);


          return scene;

        var scene = createScene();


        window.addEventListener('resize', function() {



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You can get the lists of meshes with the array scene.mesh, try to log the scene.mesh array and see if there are the right meshes in your scene.

I think the problem is that you're calling the meshes right after you use ImportMesh which is an async method which means you're calling the meshes while it's still loading.


BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("","","szescian.babylon", function (newScene) {  scene = newScene; 

//find the mesh and change color here } );

And why are you using Babylon.SceneLoader.ImportMesh? Maybe try Babylon.SceneLoader.Load  instead to load the whole scene from the blender file as opposed to import only the meshes. See: https://www.eternalcoding.com/?p=313


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Bellow code changes value of ambient color; however, changes are not visible in browser, but when I log the value of ambientColor it is changed. Is there need of rendering everything again? If rendering everything once again is necessary how to do it?

scene.materials[0].ambientColor.r = 0.9;

Code fragment exported from Blender


Log from browser's console


Whole code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>Using babylon.js - How to load a scene</title>
    <script src="babylon.2.5.js"></script>
      html, body {
        width: 80%;
        height: 80%;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        overflow: hidden;

      #renderCanvas {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
    <canvas id="renderCanvas"></canvas>
      if (BABYLON.Engine.isSupported()) {
        var canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");
        var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
        var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);

        BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load("", "untitled.babylon", engine, function (newScene) {
          scene = newScene;
          scene.materials[0].ambientColor.r = 0.9;
          // Wait for textures and shaders to be ready
          newScene.executeWhenReady(function () {
            // Attach camera to canvas inputs

            // Once the scene is loaded, just register a render loop to render it
            engine.runRenderLoop(function() {
        }, function (progress) {
            // To do: give progress feedback to user


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@makugym : what exactly are you trying to change ? The ambientColor or the diffuseColor?

I looked at the babylon file in your first post and it has:

17 hours ago, makugym said:

{"producer":{"name":"Blender","version":"2.78 (sub 0)","exporter_version":"4.6.1","file":"szescian.babylon"}, "autoClear":true,"clearColor":[0.0509,0.0509,0.0509],"ambientColor":[0,0,0],"gravity":[0,-9.81,0],

Note the scene ambientColor is [0,0,0].

Now from this tutorial;

By default, scene.ambientColor is set to Color3(0, 0, 0), which means there is no scene.ambientColor.


You will find that when there is no scene.ambientColor, then StandardMaterial.ambientColor and StandardMaterial.ambientTexture will appear to do nothing.  

Maybe you are trying to change the diffuseColor of the mesh?

And as an aside, you should be using v5.3 of the Blender Babylon Exporter not v4.6.1.

cheers, gryff :)

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Now I'm trying to change color of the monkey.  


I downloaded io_export_babylon.py from https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/tree/master/Exporters/Blender - i found this in tutorial. Where can I download the latest version?

This is my green monkey and value color in RGB (field diffuse)



In my code the same value is named as ambient. Why in Blender the same value is named as diffuse?

{"producer":{"name":"Blender","version":"2.78 (sub 0)","exporter_version":"4.6.1","file":"untitled.babylon"},


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57 minutes ago, makugym said:

In my code the same value is named as ambient. Why in Blender the same value is named as diffuse?

Notice that in Blender the value of the "Intensity" for the diffuse color is 0.8 ! The exporter takes this into account.

Try a simple test - create a cube and give it a colored material but don't change the value of the intensity( leave it at 0.8). Export your file as a .babylon file

Now change the value of the intensity to 1. Re-export with a different name.

Compare the two files. In the second file, you should find that the "ambient" and "diffuse" values for the material are the same now. But as the "ambientColor" of the scene is [0,0,0] the ambient color of the material is ignored - as I explained above.

If you want to change the color of a mesh then get the diffuse color of the material and change that!

As for the latest exporter I explained the procedure here

cheers, gryff :)

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Thanks bro, everything works! @gryff I needed change diffuse by 

newScene.meshes[0].material.diffuseColor.b = 1;

Btw I'm doing Engineering Thesis about led cube 4x4x4. Cube is controlled by JS framework  - Johnny Five and connect with computer by serial port. I must show on the screen the same what is displayed on cube and i think that babylon can be the best way to do this. :)


@Lynxerious Thank you for help too ;) 

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