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Looking for tips on using opacityTexture (or what I should actually be doing)


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I'm working on a batting helmet customizer. The user chooses a style and then colors/finishes for the sections of the style. With all of the style and color options available I decided it would be best to let babylon color the model instead of loading a bunch of textures whenever a color/style was changed. So, my idea was to take the original model in the scene, make it the "base" color then clone it, change its color to the secondary color and apply the opacityTexture to crop out the style where I want it.

let original = this.scene.getMeshByName(name);
let clone = original.clone(name + 'clone',original.parent);

clone.material = original.material.clone(original.material.name+'clone');
(<BABYLON.StandardMaterial>clone.material).diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.Green();

let task = loader.addTextureTask('opacity','assets/textures/opacity.png');
task.onSuccess = (t) => {
	(<BABYLON.StandardMaterial>clone.material).opacityTexture = t.texture;
	clone.position.y = 0.003;

At first, this didn't appear to do anything, but if I offset the clone just a tiny bit there was actually some transparency stuff happening. Sadly, it wasn't transparent where it was supposed to be and it seemed to only be able to go transparent along vectors.


We used this approach using three js (and alphaMap instead of opacityTexture) with better results but the application is just too cumbersome on machines and babylon seems, at least in theory, to have better performance. helmets.custom.rawlings.com

Any tips, suggestions, or other routes I should take?



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