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How to rotate arcade object

Michał Lipa

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I'm creating a simple multiplayer game. I have got problem with rotating other players objects, if there are using arcade physics.

Rotation works well without arcade physics, but I need to make work collisions and rotation so don't know how to handle that.

//Online player object
    this.tank = game.add.sprite(x, y, 'tank');
    game.physics.enable(this.tank, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);

//Changing rotation - updating all players rotation in loop
	player.tank.rotation = p.tankRotation;

Why this doesn't work? I also tried with:

player.tank.rotation = p.tankRotation;
player.tank.body.rotation = p.tankRotation;
player.tank.angle = p.tankRotation;
player.tank.body.angle = p.tankRotation;





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I'm pretty sure you can rotate objects using Arcade physics, at least that's how it looks according to the documentation. 


There are allowRotation, a bunch of angular* properties, and a rotation property. So things can be rotated, BUT the documentation for the rotation property says that the collision box never rotates. So you'll see the picture of the Sprite rotate, but the collision hit box will not. At least, that's what it seems like. 

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