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Draw text on transparent texture with emissive material


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Thank you deltakosh! :)

1. Can I improve the rendering quality of the text?

2. Yes I tried it, but I dont want the text to be always on top, I want to have it integrated into the 3D space.

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Hello Deltakosh,

thanks for your answer! :)

1. Can you show me an example how to do this, currently my text is looking like this.


2. Currently Im rendering on a 200x200 plane. This way it is not possible for me to align the text to the right, depending on how large the text is. Do you know a better solution for this?



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Thank you it works. The text is looking a lot better now!

Still I have the problem that - based on the zoomlevel - my text gets kind of a dark border when i zoom out.


It is not as "bright" orange as I would expect. If I zoom close it is looking wonderful.

This is my code for this section:

    const size = 1024;
    const textureSize = size * 4;
    const planeSize = size / 8.0;
    const textSize = size / 16.0;

    // Adding text
    const texture = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture('texture1', textureSize, this.scene, true, BABYLON.DynamicTexture.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE);

    // Rount Text to max. 2 trailing digits. the '+' removes trailing zeros
    texture.drawText(+value.toFixed(2) + ' mm', 0, (textureSize / 2) + (textSize) - (textSize * 3.5), '200 ' + textSize + 'em Roboto', '#ef890f', 'transparent', true);
    texture.hasAlpha = true;

    const textMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial('textureMaterial', this.scene);

    textMaterial.emissiveTexture = texture;
     textMaterial.opacityTexture = texture;
    textMaterial.disableLighting = true;


    const plane = BABYLON.Mesh.CreatePlane('', planeSize, this.scene);

    plane.material = textMaterial;
    plane.parent = this.dimmensions;
    plane.rotation = rotation;
    plane.position = position;


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