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Announcing Babylon.GUI


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I like it so far.

In the future, would it be possible to be able to dynamically scale the elements based on distance from the camera?

Or is this functionality already present? If it has a width and height of, let's say, 40px and a distance of 20 units from the camera, I would like to scale it to 0.5, or maybe set the h/w to 20px, when the units increase to 20. And of course everything in between.

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Great work on the GUI so far @Deltakosh!

I have a small enhancement request. Would it be possible with radios and checkboxes to make the corresponding label also clickable, same as it is in HTML when <input> is wrapped with <label> or <label> uses "for" attribute?

This would provide a larger hit target for radios and checkboxes, which is especially important in a VR environment.

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