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renderer.autoResize doesn't seem to work


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I'd like the canvas to always be the same width and height as the viewport.

renderer.resize() works, but renderer.autoResize doesn't seem to do anything.


The code is taken from here:



As you can see I'm using PIXI.Application instead of manually initializing the stage and renderer, in case that matters.

var app = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, { antialias: true });

app.renderer.view.style.position = 'absolute';
app.renderer.view.style.display = 'block';
app.renderer.autoResize = true;
app.renderer.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
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So it only changes when calling resize()...

Listening to window resize and calling renderer.resize() solves it. Out of curiosity, is there a built in way to do it?


On a slightly different subject, do the width and height I pass to PIXI.Application constructor matter if I resize the renderer afterwards or are they entirely overridden?


EDIT: What I wrote actually doesn't solve what I'm trying to do, I'd like the stage to be resized along with the canvas, not the canvas to display a part of the stage at canvas size.

It seems that I get the result when the canvas width and height remains the same and I change only the width and height in its style attribute, but I'm not sure it's the correct way to approach it.





Canvas element width and height different than style width and height (desired result)



Canvas element width and height same as style width and height


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59 minutes ago, royibernthal said:

So it only changes when calling resize()...

Listening to window resize and calling renderer.resize() solves it. Out of curiosity, is there a built in way to do it?


On a slightly different subject, do the width and height I pass to PIXI.Application constructor matter if I resize the renderer afterwards or are they entirely overridden?


EDIT: What I wrote actually doesn't solve what I'm trying to do, I'd like the stage to be resized along with the canvas, not the canvas to display a part of the stage at canvas size.

It seems that I get the result when the canvas width and height remains the same and I change only the width and height in its style attribute, but I'm not sure it's the correct way to approach it.




Canvas element width and height different than style width and height (desired result)



Canvas element width and height same as style width and height


If your objects are in a container you could resize the container after resizing the renderer?

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