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clones instances and LOD


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Dear all.

Is it possible to use clones and LOD with imported meshes?

With instances I have lots of problems:

1.- When I set a distance and null mesh to be loaded, then the instance is not properly positioned and rotated.

2.- Some instances are not loaded, with the same code the number of intances vary and should not.

3.- The only mesh that seems to work is the null LOD the other meshes with different qualities not.

I can attach the code I am using.


Is there any way to use LOD with different quality meshes with clones?

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It seems that the method addLODLevel when used with meshes extracted from method ImportMesh doesn't work properly or maybe the method works in async way like ImportMesh.

This is what I am doing and each time I load the scene, the total number of meshes is different.

First I import all GLTF into my scene but make them not active.

I wait until all meshes have been loaded using a whendone() function on ImportMeshCall. This ImportMeshCall has a countdown and when it reach to zero it means that I have all meshes loaded and saved in an array of meshes.

When I have all meshes loaded and saved in the array, I invoke a function (make_lod_assets) to addLODLevel, by now only one (null when distance is greater than x)

After having finished to add all LODs, I invoke to another function (loadscene) which starts to build the scene.

As I want to keep the same structure than CATIA, I build invisible unitary boxes for all assemblies containing the CATParts (my meshes) and I apply the transformation matrix (rotation+position) in a relative and inherited way. I am using instances because I want to use HW acceleration.

When this function (loadscene) ends it returns the scene and it is rendered.

My meshes (extracted from GLTF) don't have textures

My problem are:

- the addLODLevel seems to work in a async way

-Sometimes the instances are not properly positioned

My code is quite big and not possible to be integrated in PG, but I can attach it.


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