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I made one using DynamicTexture, it's just a proof of concept:


At the bottom there are many variables you can play with. Here is the spark in your combination playground:


It's still a very siny spark, but the getSparkPoints function can easily be edited.

Edit: Here they are with a blue glow:



Apparently lighting has to be disabled on the material, it's just that you don't notice when the color is white.

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@enwolveren I don't know where you, and others, have gone with this topic, but here are a couple of more examples that I found in my BJS  bookmark list of PGs that I was cleaning out yesterday.

First a Sprite Effect.

Electricity 1. This has electricity and sparks

And for @NasimiAsl as well, A Shader Effect

Electricity 2. This has 9 different shaders doing all sorts of things - one of which is electricity (cube in back right corner). I have not figured out which part of the code drives this effect.

I would one day like to create the "gateway" effect I posted an image of - but that will likely not be soon.:o

cheers, gryff :)


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Wow, these are excellent! Had no idea... will study a dig in that direction. Thanks!

That electric box is as amazing, with all the other shaders...

The "gateway" effect? Ah... portal? ok..

 - transparent plane, circular frame (w/collision)?

Good to see you @gryff

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