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Material Config Smooth ?


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Hi LM!  @gryff, @JCPalmer, others... please join-in if you wish.

I think Luis might be trying other things, but we should try to answer the question.

I know Luis uses Blender, so I suggest visiting THIS page/section

There are two sections there... "Mesh Editing Tools" and "Modifiers".

It is my "speculation" that...

- methods listed in "Mesh Editing Tools" section WILL be contained in the export-to-babylon.

- methods listed in "Modifiers" section WILL NOT be contained in the export-to-babylon.  (This is wrong.  Corrected in next post - thx JC)

Just speculation.  Hopefully, some experts can help confirm this, and/or correct my speculation.  Thx gang.

Once the mesh is inside a BJS scene, material things like .reflectionTexture, .specularColor and specularLevel, etc, PLUS expert lighting... will make your smooth mesh look EXTRA smooth/wet.  :)

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- First, make sure not indicating you wish flat shading.  Probably already doing that.

- Wet probably requires setting speculation high on materials tab with a specular color of white unless you have a reason to only want it.

- Also, methods listed in the modifiers WILL contained in the export.  The export does not read the vertices directly, where modifiers are not contained till applied.  It reads a temporary set with the Modifiers applied, and Quads & Ngons converted to triangles.

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